Another case study on diving head 1st in the rabbit hole-I’d like to share in case it helps save someone’s life because Bitcoin has saved mine.

A long thread on my life & being a Join or Die Class of 2020 Bitcoiner:
1/ I was raised in a pretty conservative family: showed horses in 4H, was around guns and bows, trapping, sports, martial arts, the classic American diet, went to Catholic church and catechism.
2/ I was left with a bad taste in my mouth with the idea some guy was supposed to save me (both through marriage and in my afterlife) and I had a lot of unanswered questions about what reality is, why are we here, blah blah blah..

Enter psychedelics.
3/ The world I lived in and was taught shattered. It wasn’t until a recently that I started eating meat again after a decade+ of being a vegetarian. I had a pretty gnarly mescaline trip & decided to not eat flesh until I made peace with using a life for fuel for my life.
4/ Far out, I know... I think I had become so disconnected from where my food came from and my place in this world, coupled with factory farming crap, that that trip rocked my world. I got into spirituality and yoga. Thought money was evil.. thought guns were bad.
5/ Found work as a waitress, I fit in well with the degenerates in a kitchen. Nature became my church. I was very interested (& still am) in macro & micro systems both within nature & man made, fractals, mushrooms quantum mechanics, cymatics, meditation & the power of the mind.
6/ I thought I had a lot to say & wanted to change the world for the better so I decided to go to art school, as visual language comes most natural to me. I was fed a lot of left leaning stuff, but it worked well at the time with my head space. Occupy wall street caught my eye.
7/ Big corporations were scum, as was the government for being in bed with them. But I didn’t understand the root of the matter-the incentive structure of the system, what centralized institutions were or what fiat was. I fell into the festi jam band scene &
8/ deep house dance parties looking for real connection. But it turned out the people were more or less just paying lip service to peace & love & mostly just got fucked up on whatever substances were available.
I didn’t know where to look for the truth I felt reaching out to me
9/ in my gut..the counter culture shit wasn’t ringing true but I didn’t know where else to search. Hell, I thought “democratic socialism” wasn’t so bad, I didn’t understand it operates through theft of the people backed by violent force.
10/ I had barely scratched the surface of politics because I never really cared, figured I’d do whatever I wanted anyway. The tiny amount of attention I gave to politics had me in the “everyone deserves food, water, shelter, education & healthcare boat” but I
11/ didn’t realize how insidious government absurd now, thinking the state has an individual’s best interest at heart.
Enter *hearing about* Bitcoin. A close friend was deep in the rabbit hole. He fed me a few small morsels, nothing that really stuck,
12/ I tried reading @saifedean The Bitcoin Standard, solely to understand what the hell he was redirecting every conversation to, if only to try and get on some level to relate to him & be a part of the conversation. Alas, that was not it for me
13/ at that time. I had just started a business and was pretty laser focused on not fucking it up. As it’s a pretty seasonal business, I have a bit of down time in the winter.. so this past winter I decided to do some investigating.
I had a Twitter account from years
14/ ago that I used to follow tweets from psychedelic thinkers and art makers. I stalked said close friends’ account a bit after seeing The Bitcoin Standard on my shelf day after day for a couple years. Still no tweets did anything for me,
15/ I thought most Bitcoiners were obnoxious assholes & super culty 😂
Then Covid happened & I had lots of time on my hands during lockdown. I came across a @johnkvallis podcast with @My_Livin_Truth
I resonated with their discussion very deeply.
16/ Shortly after I read @Breedlove22 Masters & Slaves of Money. I lost my shit. My brain exploded and I devoured everything I could get my eyes & ears on & haven’t stopped since. I put everything into Bitcoin.

Turns out once you dive in you don’t go back.
17/ Some of many takeaways from the rabbit hole so far:
•I do not need to fix the world, it is much more powerful to work on myself.
•Who the fuck am I to know anyone’s needs aside from my own & vice versa.
•Low time preference is key.
•Taxation & inflation are theft.Period.
•The incentive structure of fiat is the root of the problem.
•Evil is the force that believes its knowledge is complete.
•Fiat will die
•Through bitcoin, the instinctual value of selfishness can be harnessed and made into a virtue by utilizing a decentralized tool.
•Plebs are beautiful, passionate, dedicated, loyal warriors.
•Guns are a tool & I have them if I need them.
•Fuck around & find out.
•Bitcoin is Truth.

•Came for the profits, stayed for the prophets @Zach_of_Earth

2021 finna be lit 🔥 Let’s fucking rage🚀
Ope, I think I must’ve deleted the tweet about @pascalboyart work “Contemplation of the Red Jester” This piece was a big part of launching me on my journey as well🖤
You can follow @til_ain.
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