Last day on the job for me as @justicecbeasley’s Chief of Staff. It's been the honor of my life to do this work alongside one of the most indelible leaders ever to serve the people of NC. I am immensely proud of all that we accomplished - here’s a list of a few of them 🧵
Created the Rules Advisory Commission to recommend updates to the Rules of Civil Procedure and General Rules of Practice to prepare for electronic filing, tele-hearings, and cloud-based access to court files
Updated, recodified, and digitized all rule sets maintained by the Supreme Court and made them available online, for free. Lawyer friends, you can find them here ⤵️
Adopted a new universal case citation format to make online legal research more accessible without paid subscriptions and made all NC Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions available online for free through Harvard’s Caselaw Project 
Commemorated the 200th anniversary of the NC Supreme Court with a museum exhibit
And a documentary - seriously, it’s good. If you're a history and law nerd like me, you should definitely watch it
You wouldn’t believe the stories women came forward with after this change – horrifying accounts of being made to take depositions from a hospital bed, denied a continuance while in active labor, or called into court the day after giving birth - not in 1960, last freakin year
School Justice Partnerships reduce the number of kids sent to court for misbehaving at school by as much as 70% and truly break the school-to-prison pipeline. If your county doesn't have one yet, time to get your school board on the phone.
Launched the Faith and Justice Alliance to bring together communities of faith and the legal profession to close the access to justice gap. 
First Chief Justice in the nation to speak out about racial injustice in our courts following a month of protests around the country.
1.2 million NCians have a suspended license bc they missed a court date or couldn’t pay a traffic fine. Impacts on ppl's lives are devastating. Working with local officials, we waived more than $2 million in old, unpaid court debt for tens of thousands of people.
Launched Guide and File, a free online service to help you prepare forms for routine court services like name changes, small claims cases, simple divorces, and estates. 
And that's just the highlights. We made every day count. We fought like hell for the people of North Carolina and I will absolutely cherish the time we spent doing it.
You can follow @annastearnsNC.
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