How to sabotage the next Justin Bieber single and make sure it flops (more than his album already did this year); a thread for people who want to keep their ears clean.
Upon release, do not engage with the song in any manner. Do not buy, stream or post about it, not once. If you are brave enough to expose your ears to the noise, do it on Youtube and not on Spotify or Apple Music with your account logged out.
Tell all your locals that it’s the worst song you’ve ever heard. Explain the pain and torture you felt while listening to it and go in detail about how much of a traumatic experience it was for you. If necessary, cut an onion before so you can start to cry.
If you hear the song on radios, IMMEDIATELY change the station so that the station notices a notable drop in listeners during the song. Additionally, call them and scream at them. Let them know that your car crashed while they played the song and that you’re demanding the money.
Go to your local hospital and tell them that you started experiencing heavy nausea symptoms after listening to the song. Inform the doctor that you think it might be the start of a second pandemic. You can also contact your government and do the same thing, they’ll ban the song.
end of a much needed thread.
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