Volume 60 of Bleach: Everything But The Rain.

In this one volume alone, you learn more about Ichigo and his past than u do in the other 59. Loose ends are tied up perfectly, and we finally learn the truth about Masaki, Isshin, Quincies, and Ichigo. As well as “Zangetsu”
So first we have the introduction of the Black Hollow. This is the modified hollow that Aizen was experimenting with, Isshin goes to the Living World to fight it after several Soul Reapers have died from reports. There he meets Masaki, who saves him, while also getting bit by it
We also learn that due to the bite, Masaki is undergoing a Hollowfication, and in order to stop it, Isshin gives up his Soul Reaper Powers and saves Masaki, and in the process, she is no longer a pure blood Quincy
and *AHEM* y’all see that resemblance too right🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
Fast forward about 10 years and you have Masaki (who we all know dies protecting Ichigo) but there is reasoning for that. If we go back to literally the first arc, we know that the Hollow Ichigo fought who killed his mom was dangerous, but with her having Blut Vene, she should
Have been basically impervious to damage, but on that same day. Ywach basically purged all Non pure blood quincies. And in doing so, stripped Masaki of her powers, therefore killing her. As well as making Ishida’s mother gravely ill and eventually dying from that illness
And finally, we learn the context behind Ywach’s final words to Ichigo before he departed from SS “My Son born in the darkness”

This line alone is perfect. It perfectly sums up Ichigo to this point, he was born in the darkness without knowing who he truly was as a person
Someone who was in the dark their entire life, who had no knowledge of who they were and where they came from. It’s masterful writing on Kubo’s part and there’s nothing more to it

Easy 10
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