76) In a word, we must foresee our own provincialization. We must anticipate the rise of the ACP, the American Communist Party, as the sole governing power in the newly minted People's' Republic of America. We have already observed the Propaganda Arm already in place.
77) We have already seen, dating back to Bush 41's administration, how our economy may be packaged up and crated off to China. Since Clinton 41 we've seen how our Intelligence may be transferred to China with full sanction of the Oval Office.
78) With Bush 43, we saw how China can be granted Most Favored Nation status upon entry - the 1st Communist nation so honored - into the WTO, granting it every right of every trade deal under WTO auspices. What was the tie to China in 2008/2009 financial collapse?
79) If in no other way, we know that China gained growing power over us by our becoming a debtor nation, owing more money to China than we'd ever owed to any nation before.
80) As there was an Axis of Evil under Reagan whom we fought, there were also Axes of alliances in both WWI and WWII, of course. Under Obama we can see the Axe of alliance between China, Cuba, and Venezuela attaining perfect symbiosis. It gets worse.
81) Under Obama, as we decimated our military might and preparedness, China exploded its own, extending its territory far into the Pacific Ocean with new island formation and instant militarization. And then there was its Belt and Road Initiative.
82) With vast hordes of cash stolen from America's middle class as it was hollowed out, China began the most aggressive foreign infrastructure project in human history. You'd have to reach back to Rome and its famed roads, all of which led to Rome, for a comparison.
83) In American history, it would be the Marshall Plan, but it pales in comparison. China already holds claim to the greatest colonial enterprise since the creation of the British Empire. Its Belt and Road Initiative has nothing less than the complete colonization of Africa.
84) This occurred with Obama's full blessing. How can I say that? He simply did nothing to oppose it. And what does J.E. teach us about the present moment? That rogue/traitor factions replete throughout our government are in bed with China to steal Election 2020.
85) If you ask any military sci-fi author what will be the main route into the US were China to physically invade? The answer is our Southern Border. So, should we capitulate and surrender the Oval Office to its thief, we can expect to see our Border Wall torn down immediately.
86) My fear is worse than that. My fear is that no physical invasion will ever be necessary at all. Why confiscate Fort Knox's gold if you have an American Government ready to pack it up and ship it to you for the asking?
87) Look back again. Who runs South America? There can be no question that the Drug Cartels have more power than any of the formal Governments. From the presence of the Calabrian Ndrangheta, to of course the Columbian Cartel, whichever flavor the day, they are lord and master.
88) Not enjoying our middle class's stolen wealth happily enough, China joined forces with these Global Drug Empires to pour fentanyl and oxycodone into every town and hamlet in America. It was direct reach to the true heartland of America they sought and gained.
89) Can you doubt that MS13 and China build strategy and plans together? Reach forward from there into every state penitentiary in America, and every gang and drug logistics crime outfit. Not enough yet? Hell no. Look to our universities and their Confucius Institutes.
90) Enough yet? Not a chance. Who owns the greatest power over Hollywood? And then, we have Big Tech. Google and Apple are but Chinese lap dogs. Shih Tzus, I picture them. Well trained. Obedient. They bow and step backwards as they depart the Emperor's Throne Room. They kowtow.
91) Finally, even I grow tired. I can only feel for you reading all this horror and terror. Yet even I cannot express the dire nature of the threat we face But as J.E. tells us, it all comes down to the mechanisms of this election's theft and Trump's strategy to cure it.
92) And with that, I turn to a positive vision. I purposefully left the alliance between America's Pharmaceutical Industry and China out of our list of horrors above. Here's why. If we hold fast, as J.E. tells us to do, Trump is well on the path toward fixing that ill already.
93) We should elevate the two words Supply Chain to sacred status. As Trump led us to Energy Independence, he will lead us to Supply Chain independence. We will provide security to our Supply Chain so it may NEVER be threatened by any foreign power, ever again.
94) What better place to begin than with antibiotics? If we protect Trump's coming four years, already won by a landslide, we will manufacture every bit of our own medical supply chain. How do you think that looks under a Biden administration? We'll manufacture even less.
95) By this point long ago, the great @marklevinshow would have waved his hand, saying, 'That's it."

The Cyberwar rages. You know it. It is on us to win it. And the only way to do that is safeguarding Trump's coming four years.
Both this thread, today AND our extended J.E. Dyer opus end now at #95.

We may do a Table Of Contents style post on it tomorrow, but we have actually completed our analytical mission here. Our work is done.

For now.
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