Louise Sheiner updates her Sept 2020 revenue forecast with Auerbach et al. to take account of an economy improving faster than CBO projected in July, e.g.
These updates suggest state and local revenue losses (including taxes, fees, and charges) of $350 billion over three years (i.e., $140B in FY20, $110B in FY21, and $100B in FY22 – or 5¼%, 4%, and 3¼%)
This is broadly consistent with @lucydadayan finding that state revenues from major taxes have fallen 5% compared to one year earlier (with a lot of differences across states)
It's also consistent with work from @jeffreyclemens and @stanveuger vs. earlier forecasts based on unemployment
Anyway, Louise calculates that states and localities have received ~$280 billion so far in federal aid and will get ~$120 billion more from the latest relief package
Some other questions for me are:
1.) How much will state and local spending increase because of COVID and how much of this will be covered by the federal government? @jeffreypclemens and @stanveuger say the feds will cover higher Medicaid costs plus through FY22 but not after
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