People always say they want the TRUTH! But sometimes learning the real TRUTH is painful and very scary. The media knows if they lie to you enough over a given period of time most of the people will begin to believe the lies.
We are in the middle of World War 3 right now and it.. not being fought with guns and bombs... It’s being fought in our minds. This War is a battle for your mind. That is why standing in your faith and your belief systems are so important. The freedoms of this country and our liberties are under full assault..!
Make no mistake what your witnessing is an orchestrated attack on the American and World Population. It is our duty to stand like our fore fathers did and repel this agenda!!
President @realDonaldTrump and his team have known for a very long time what they are up against...
The President is now calling on us “We The People” of this nation to stand up and rally on The 6th of January in Washington DC!

If you can make it to DC please do it!
If you can’t make it...Protest on the steps of your States Capital!
This moment in time will be a historic..
...event that will shape the World forever. It is YOUR choice to fight for this Great Republic or watch others do it for you!
You can follow @Crux41507251.
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