Giving free books to African pastors

Big part of me is thankful. I've been involved in such things and I'd do so again, carefully

But is there a danger of using big money to shout out big numbers without asking if this is most impactful strategy

Some questions to ask:

If we do this, we must ask some hard questions (and I'm sure many such ministries do: this is NOT an accusation against anyone, least of all the one pictured:)

1.) Is there effort made to evaluate impact (how many receive? How many read? How many understand? How many apply?)
2.) Are we truly understanding what is best for local pastors, or are we imposing our own desires and favoured solutions on to others?
3.) Who chooses the book, and why?
4.) Are there elements of partnership and personal contact here? Do recipients know who is giving, and why?
5.) Is there clear systems to ensure that these books get to the intended recipients? (to put it bluntly: Is counting done by giving, or receiving?)
6.) How are the books being distributed? Are there efforts to set up co-operatives and discussion groups so that such things can be read, discussed, questioned and applied together in a community?
7.) Has anyone studied whether giving free books, as opposed to subsidized books, is always the most effective strategy? There are pros and cons each way, but are we weighing them truthfully?
8.) Who is actually, physically, handing out each book? What do they say when they hand them out? This isn’t as petty as it sounds: it matters.
9.) Does it build unity between Christians in the west and Africa, or does it foster a sense of impersonal handout-ism that can cement certain stereotypes both ways rather than facilitate friendship and respectful, interdependent mutuality?
10.) It won't be hard to find quotes from genuinely thankful recipients at the time and these sound great when fed back to givers. But is anyone going back 12 months on and talking with the pastors about their experiences with the book, and then learning from that for next time?
Let me reiterate: Such programs NO DOUBT can be effective and blessed. And, as I say, I’ve been involved before and would do so again. But I’d be wanting to ask more of these questions before doing so I think.
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