Because we are looking at the edge of an ABYSS right now.
President Trump has MASTERFULLY taken us to the cusp of unrecoverable DISASTER, a plunge that, if taken, would be fatal to our Republic & bring misery & suffering Worldwide.
It's being DIRECTED as if it's a MOVIE.
& he's directing BOTH SIDES right now.
One Side IS about to take that horrific fall.
Screaming & clawing, flailing aaaalll the way down.
To shatter in utter ruin at OUR FEET.
Here's my Brother Brian Cates's EPIC Thread on what's unfolding as Lady Liberty's would-be Murderers line up to SHOVE her over that yawning precipice=
To people with our **eyes** the idea Trump is even in any REAL danger is ludicrous.
THEY are doomed.
Because Trump is going to YANK Lady Liberty aside AT THE LAST SECOND as all of America's Enemies have committed themselves into a full bodied, murderous SHOVE to END AMERICA as founded they will, to their ABJECT HORROR, realize THEY are falling & that TRUMP PLAYED THEM ALL.
I'm either right about how Trump has ARRANGED ALL OF THIS or your kids are going to be the Slaves of cruel CCP Masters & the abuse we've been undergoing for the past 10 years will be a FOND MEMORY as the Cuomo's & Newsom's
govern us into the Dirt.
Americans fell into an apathetic slumber & ALLOWED our direst Foes to assume CONTROL of our Government.
If you're pissed it's come to this I DON'T CARE.
We are being SHOWN the breadth & depth of OUR FAILURES before the Champion we didn't deserve saves us.
Well, we ARE in serious trouble but I **know** how this scene ends.
America is SAVED at the last second by America's most favored Son, SURVEILLANCE Specialists in the US Military & Our Constitution THAT they all took an Oath to AND INTEND TO HONOR.
THINK about what's unfolded since that awful night on November 3rd.
Every flaw & failing of our State & Federal Government & Courts has been SHOWCASED to us.
ALL Courts up to & including SCOTUS D-U-C-K-E-D.
Every (MSM) indicator is Trump's TOAST!
This is done for several reasons.
1. To keep America's Enemies from dropping ANOTHER biological ATTACK on us or blowing up a Dam, etc.
America was SUPPOSED to be collapsed by COVID.
Trump pulled of a MIRACLE as every Shitbag on the Left blamed him for every death from it.
As long as they believe Trump's toast they won't DO ANYTHING ELSE to us.
But believe me, that #Reckoning is coming.
2. Trump's "HELPLESS ACT" encourages his Enemies to drop their masks further ON BOTH SIDES as they become more & more convinced he's finished & on his way out.
This allows Trump to filter out the WEASELS & OPERATIVES in his Administration for his 2nd Term & when he drop the Thermonuclear PROOF BOMBS he's been holding back on the Democrats it will devastate their political viability as a Party.
He only gets STRONGER.
As planned.
& 3. He RUBS OUR FACES in our inadequacy to be vigilant & Mindful Citizens.
To TEACH us to do better.
I've said it before & I'll say it again=THIS WAS A CRUCIBLE.
We were & are being TESTED.
Every American is now SEEING Patriots & Mini-Tyrants arising all around them.
The MASK MADNESS is just one example.
Democrat Governors & Mayors have been given an irresistible EXCUSE in COVID to lockdown States & destroy their small businesses & thereby the Middle Class.
COVID is to them, a (Dark) Godsend to implement the Marxist policies long dreamed of.
& they will NEVER, EVER stop until President Trump STOPS THEM.
& he will.
Winston Churchill often talked about something called MORAL FORCE.
He cultivated & used it against Adolph Hitler to defeat the Nazis.
True, Britain's vital role diminished as the US came in but make no...
...mistake, at a CRUCIAL moment in history when ALL WAS LOST that man rallied an entire people to STAND & FIGHT with nothing more than the power of his will & his command of the English language & set the spark that burned the Third Reich to the ground.
You are about to witness just such a moment here on our shores.
Where Americans who stand divided are shown THE LAW.
They will then have to make a SOUL-SEARCHING choice about where to STAND.
Because the FALL is coming & it will take A LOT OF US with it.
When I called Trump a Modern Moses I was ridiculed.
I'm sure I will be again & it doesn't matter a whit.
I **SAW** this coming in 2018.
President Trump is about to SHAKE THE WORLD to it's Core.
Only one side will survive that Cataclysm.
The one prepared to accept NATURAL LAW.
The Natural Law our Founders accepted as Universal in all human beings & wove throughout Our Sacred Constitution.
The MADNESS that has descended upon us has an Origin in the CCP, yes, but the Chinese themselves are in the grip of an Inhuman monstrosity I call Communism.
Have you ever seen the opening of the Ten Commandments delivered by it's Director, Cecile B. DeMille?

You see, we've been fighting this Enemy, in one form or another for generations.
We were FAILING before Trump arrived.
We're NOT.
MANY have fallen into places as hideous&INHUMAN as Sodom & Gomorrah. Eager to give in to their basest desires as the Jackals, ever eager to FEAST on humanity call them STUNNING & BRAVE.
But just as many have AWAKENED to the danger & are determined to maintain their HUMAN FREEDOM.
The perversions of the Left are SHOVED IN OUR FACES to show us once & for all that Creation is a lie & that God is dead.
The IN YOUR FACE theft of the 2020 Election is merely their intended Coup De Grace upon a People they despise.
The end of their Master's "America Problem"
Trump has been carefully & QUIETLY preparing the Battlespace for over FORTY YEARS.
He moved among them to LEARN THEIR SECRETS & take their full measure.
Recruiting & placing JUDAS GOATS among them all the while.
To "advise" the Left to their doom.
Let me be clear=what's unfolding WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.
Trump should have been declared the Winner on the night of November 3rd.
In a Nation with SALVAGEABLE Institutions what we saw could NEVER have happened.
But the compromising CORRUPTION runs too deep.
So Trump is about to SHAKE THE BOX.
For some it will be a glorious Event. Long, LOOOOONG AWAITED for.
For others it will be a CATACLYSM that will consume them.
By word & by deed.
On the Record as WE watched them.
Biden was NEVER going to be President.
& Trump warned them again & again & gave them ample time to STOP.
I told you, this will be Oath Keepers vs Oath Breakers.
To preserve their OATHS Loyal Americans who HONOR the US Constitution CANNOT ALLOW an Security Threat like Biden to assume office.
Humanity's Enemies are those I call the Forces of CHAOS.
They devolve & abase humanity to rule over that humanity as abusive tyrants.
The American experiment in Self Government is an amazing achievement in human history & is the NEXT STEP in humanity's rise towards the Stars.
So OF COURSE they want America to fall, to collapse back into the Darkness THEY thrive in.
They now have BASTIONS of darkness on our own Soil.
It must gall Donald Trump to no end to know this Petty Tyrant in ruining his beloved New York City.
These Jackals have spent over a decade trying to FORCE Americans to live in their "inevitable" Bizarro-World.
They THINK they've won.
Their shitty Movie where American Liberty dies with a whimper is about to be HIJACKED.
Like a BOSS.
President Trump is about to FLIP THEIR SCRIPT as they stare in HORRIFIED DISBELIEF.
So, what happens when all the madness & Bizarro BS gets OVERTURNED in one fell swoop?
ALL of Trump's Enemies take that fatal plunge.
As WE watch,
Because they CHOSE this.
Their BAD INTENTIONS have now been cemented by their determination to ride a Stone Cold Traitor ROUGHSHOD over us into the White House.
Where he will be the doddering Puppet of America's direst Foes.
So no.
Not happening.
The Oath KEEPERS will have a WORD with him.
I'm leaving my Christmas Tree up until AFTER the Feast of the Epiphany which just happens to fall on JANUARY 6TH.
Well, my goodness!
Hold On Tight Folks, like in the Poseidon ADVENTURE.
(Capsizing Scene)
Be True, Stay Calm.
& oh, that's THEIR Ship/World Capsizing.
Not Ours.
Ours will be being RIGHTED.
So that we may sail into the Pax Americana I've foretold.
Out of Rough Seas & Pirate Attacks to smooth sailing into our Promised Land.
Having triumphed in the #SoulWAR
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(Rot in HELL you despicable Democrats & CCP!)
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