As the year is coming slowly to an end, there goes my first decade of US comic book art. what can I tell you I haven't already ?
First of all, we live in a wonderfull age where your work can be known beyond borders and languages. You cannot imagine how rare were the roads to a comic book career without internet for someone from overseas. Use those new ways wisely.
best advice on the illustrator job was once given to me by @CBCebulski ; you have to be good at what you do, you have to be good with deadlines and you have to be a good collaborator (to be able to take critics and understand a book is a team work)
conventions : they are so important for networking. putting a face on your name is vital for the long term.
when I found myself in a hard place, I had a lot of business cards to go through to find new gigs (buy a business card holder or a box)
don't expect help from anyone, be grateful when you get some and help people when you can. Don't hesitate to put boundaries too. You need to be a professionnal, people will hire you for your work, not your smile.
others people achievements are not your failure. be happy for others. Some artists are burning fast, others need more time. You can have your first success past 40 or at 18, everyone has their own pace . The most important is to LISTEN and go on working on your skills
why do I say LISTEN ? because you are litterally loosing time when you are unable to accept the advice of people around you, artists or not. If someone can explain why something is wrong, you should hear them even if it is hard to not take it personnally.
women talk : GIRL, don't look at other female artist breaking in as a threat to your job. it is a sad thing to admit that because there are so few of us, we tend to feel like there is only one place at a time but it is not like that anymore . There is room for all of us
also, an answer to the creaziest question I was ever asked : No your looks have nothing to do with your career. be kind.
the local comic books stores are one of the most important part of the success of a book. take care of them and your readers.
there you are, ask more if you want more answers.
It's been 10 absolutely incredible years. Thanks to anyone who supported me one way or another. and thank you for accepting me, a french artist whose idea of a career was to kick every door possible as hard as I could
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