There are two events that occurred this year THAT MUST BE REVERSED if we are to survive as the Republic that was founded 244 years ago ... Two events that rise above all of the myriad assaults perpetrated against American citizens:

1. Lockdowns
2. Voter Fraud

2/ Lockdowns: There's a world-renowned statue that sits at the entrance to New York harbor. That monument, Liberty Enlightening The World, represents a value our Founders bestowed on America ... Freedom of the individual above the power of government.
3/ The governing rules they enshrined within the Bill of Rights fixed personal liberty above all other values! That Bill of Rights doesn't contain a clause or an asterisk saying "except in an emergency!" What is being done in the name of Emergency is against our Rights!
4/ If an "Emergency" can cause our Rights to be suspended ... We have no Rights! The results of these lockdowns have devastated millions of lives, all in the name of saving lives!

We must ensure that an elite few can never again force entire states to stop living their lives!
5/ Voter Fraud: Our system of selecting the people who will represent us in government has always been subject to fraud, but it's usually limited to people double voting or voting under the name of a few deceased people, maybe changing results of a local election.
6/ The 2020 election witnessed fraud on an industrial level! If We the People don't rectify the wrongs that took place as a part of the 2020 general election, citizens will become even more cynical of our government and those who "represent" (read "Lead") us!
7/ Do we have any institutions that We the People still trust? In the past, that role was normally left to the Supreme Court of the United States. Sure there were always individual Justices whose motives or actions were questionable, but the Court itself was thought unbiased.
8/ The recent actions (or inactions!) of the Court has caused many to now question its trustworthiness.

Regardless, if people no longer believe their vote is counted ... the United States of America as founded is over!
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