2020 was quite possibly one of the most insane years I've lived through, I'd appreciate if you'd all take the time to read through this thread. I've been drafting this for a while. I wanted to make it all perfect for you, so here goes.
I'm gonna start this off by saying thank you to everyone here, all my moots, oomfs and friends. If it wasn't for you all, I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now, thank you. There's some specific people I would like to thank at the end of this thread.
The entire year has been such a blur when it comes to the irl world. January - March were meh, nothing really happened, and I hadn't yet joined SW twt, i was a lil smol account with like 300 followers that were probs all BOT accounts 😂 and a thanos profile picture
then came lockdown (as most of you probably know, I live in the UK. Idk the ins and outs of how other countries dealt with covid-19). I'd always wanted to get more into SW, as at this point id only watched the feature movies and season 1 of the mandalorian...
Well I was finally convinced to watch the expanded material, starting with The Clone Wars. And when I tell you that was one of the best things I have ever done, I mean it. Not only did watching the show introduce me to my favourite character of all time - Ahsoka Tano, but it --
-- pushed me to join SW twt, with the birth of Darth Snips (ik you all remember this account name, she still lives within my pfp - thank you @Mimiiii403 for that once again 🥺). I finished TCW very fast and then moved straight onto Rebels.
Anyway, my start to SW twt was slow, as expected, but i started to really grow in June/July time, and that's when I met the majority of you wonderful people. 💖 Before I get into that, I'd like to appreciate and acknowledge the events that's taken place this year.
Obviously the most prominent feature of the year is the Coronavirus. The virus has spread like absolute wildfire and affected billions of people, and id like to personally offer my condolences to anyone and everyone here that's been affected by it. 🥺💔
Another thing that's been prominent, and should REMAIN prominent, is the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Being a white male, I cannot speak for anyone affected in the black community, but I can acknowledge the privilege that I have. I hope the BLM movement continues strongly --
-- into the new year until wrongs have been righted across the world.
I am aware of, and offer my condolences to all affected by other events across the planet over the past year, but there are too many things that have happened to list off. 💔
Although a massive deal of tragic events have happened this year, I'd like to bring some positivity to this thread. There are a great amount of people on this platform that have remained positive, and helped others do the same, and to those people, I'd like to say thank you. 🙏🫂
SW Twt has offered me a group of people that I can be myself around, I can discuss my interests respectfully with, and to love and care about, and in conclusion has shone a light on the terrible year of 2020. These people have really made this year worth it for me.
-- @AzarPort // @Zachntruckee // @JedisCompassion // @Supr3meleader // @lexskywlker // @thehighgrounded // @raidonbungeling -- I cannot thank these people enough for their constant support and friendship over the past months, it's been an honour having you all here, I love you.

There are so many more people I would like to thank but there's too many to put into a thread 😂
If you read through this entire thread, then you're amazing, I love you, and thank you. From the bottom of my heart, you have all made my year.

All that's left to say is, here's for a better 2021, HAPPY NEW YEAR! 💕🥂🎉🎊🎈🎁🎆
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