Year-end summary from Dr. Kendrick, front-line NHS doctor:

* The world has gone bonkers. Too many entrenched in extreme positions, slinging mud

* The truth is smashed to pieces and lost

* PCR tests, "died of", "died with", cases, "death certificates all tell us very little
* Excess death stats show e.g. England had a bad Spring. The "2nd wave" was like a normal winter.

* In many places, c19 did NOT strike (Finland, N. Ireland). Reasons why are not clear

* Where c19 struck hard, it compares to the worst flu in decades, but not worse than that
* It has made absolutely no difference if a country locked down hard, and early, or did not

* Govt's are floundering, claiming to have control over the virus but ignore all evidence to the contrary

* As restrictions become more severe, the infections typically rise higher
* Faced with more "cases" Govt's then enforce even more restrictions. Sigh! When something doesn’t work, don't double down, instead stop doing it and try something different.

* Most important recommendation: STOP MASS TESTING!
* c19 is be a model for mass panicking stupidity as authorities will never admit their mistakes and learn from them

Unless something changes, we will be poised to repeat the same deadly mistakes the next time we face a significant challenge https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2020/12/30/what-is-left-to-say/
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