Pro wrestling content creator appreciation, A THREAD of dedicated, genuine & supreme humans lifting up the business they love & sending smiles out to fans in waves.

30 days of brilliance. No nonsense. No ick. No hate.

All Molly approved, which means smiles only. Follow them. ❤️
Day 1. Start with the best, right? He def has to be sick of me saying it, but 🤷‍♀️. There is no one better than @SeanRossSapp. The emotion, passion & REAL life genuine love for wrestling & the humans involved in it make him #1.

We should all aspire to care as much as he does. ❤️
Day 2. @JoeHulbert may not much believe in these threads, but I believe in him. He’s excessively silly, his passion is unparalleled, and his wrestling intelligence is off the charts. He writes with his heart, and as a girl does the same, I appreciate him all the more for it. ❤️
Day 3. @CiaranRH writes with such beautiful intent. He uses aspects of the business, like statistics & history, so perfectly. We should all love the business, with such wonder, like he loves NJPW. I adore his kind heart & his always supportive soul. A dream to work with. ❤️
Day 4. @WrestlingGary is one of my faves. His interviews are fantastic, filled with such genuine joy & love for pro wrestling, as well as with overwhelming respect for the subject. He does things the right way, always with a smile, which is a sure way to keep me coming back! ❤️
Day 5. @invinceable91 is not just a wonderful human & editor, he’s brilliant & has one of the most fascinating minds I’ve come across. We write very similarly, which is definitely why I was drawn to him from the jump, but his passion, creativity & kindness keep me coming back! ❤️
Day 6. @KristenAshly. She is wonderful, and I cannot rightfully explain how much I admire her adoration and dedication to not just wrestling, but WOMEN’S wrestling. She just gets it and genuinely has such a palpable love for this thing we all love. Bell to Belles y’all. Do it! ❤️
Day 7. @jeremylambert88 is my favorite silly boy. I adore his passion & dedication to something he so clearly loves so much. He’s always on, even if he likes to think he isn’t. I know better. If you want laughs, T Swift mentions, or one of the kindest hearts around, go to him. ❤️
Day 8. @PhilDL616 is someone I’ve admired since before I started writing about wrestling myself. His championing of women’s wrestling and his always passionate support is issues that need attention in the business is so needed and appreciated. His genuine care is undisputed. ❤️
Day 9. Those who follow and watch @_denisesalcedo already know why she’s so amazing, but if you don’t, what are you waiting for? She exudes the best of feels, whether breaking down shows, feuding with SRS, showcasing her lovely singing voice, or just being her joyous self. ❤️
Day 10. @AlexM_talkSPORT is always smiling. At least that’s how I picture him! The way he covers wrestling makes me happy and warms my soul. Such joy, passion, and very real excitement. You can just feel it. I admire his positive fun outlook & look forward to his work always. ❤️
Day 11. @AlexSourGraps is one of the realest and funniest people making content today. Not only that, his very genuine connection to wrestling and his sometimes boiling-over emotion is what makes him so unique and also so relatable. He’s a real one. And a real good one too. ❤️
Day 12. It’s fitting that on the day he releases a brilliant piece on KENTA, @ryandilbert is my choice. His articles often leave me speechless & in awe, no matter the topic. Through his words, I LIVE the stories. That’s what we strive for as writers. He’s just simply the best. ❤️
Day 13. In the IWC, is there anymore shiny a light than @jessithebuckeye ? Her passion is as contagious as her beautiful laugh. Smiling & having such amazing fun in her videos, one can’t help but to feel the joy inside as she does. It’s a rare thing, her palpable love & reach. ❤️
You can follow @Hells_Belle99.
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