So yesterday I got my stimulus check (direct deposit; I have a federal credit union, so that might be why I got it so soon).

And I used it all up within about 4 hours. Here's what I spent it on.
The vast majority -- over $500 -- was spent on paying back a credit card. Why? B/c in the last two months I needed two new tires, had to get my cat extra testing from the vet, and, oh, yeah, needed food for December. And that $500+ didn't even cover half what I owe.
Then I spent about $33 at my favorite local bakery. I got us a couple treats b/c it's the end of the year, I should get something nice, and I wanted to support my local small business. I could have spent less, but I always tip at least 20%. The macarons were delightful, FYI.
After that, I gave $25 to a local animal rescue. They're a small but wonderful organization that does a lot for the local pet population and are run entirely by volunteers. I wish I could give more.
Finally, I spent about $3 on a Steam game so I'd have something fun to do. That, along w my bakery treats, was my big indulgence.
Why am I sharing this? B/c $600 in modern American expenses ain't shit. I don't even live somewhere expensive. But $600 is slightly over what I make in a week at work, and it doesn't cover my rent. It could get me utilities for like two months or groceries for 6 -- 8 weeks.
A full set of tires. About $50 below what I need to get new brake pads and rotators (I know; I just got an estimate.). Two regular visits to the vet. And it would cover about half the medical debt I have from normal doctor's visits.
I am very, very fortunate to still have a job & to have been paid all year. I know & acknowledge that. But if $600 didn't go very far for me WHO HAS A JOB & IS ACTIVELY BEING PAID, what's it going to do for the approximately 836,750 Americans filing for unemployment every week?
This $600 was helpful, I will admit. But that's all it was for me -- helpful. Government assistance during a pandemic is supposed to be life-saving b/c pp are dying. They are actively dying and being evicted and starving and living w/o utilities.
The economy won't last if everyone is dead or homeless or has no money b/c they lost their jobs. We've already seen studies showing that the economy bounced back a bit earlier in the year when the government sent out $1200 checks. SO HELP PEOPLE.
At this point, I don't even care if I get another stimulus check. Yeah, it would be great b/c of some personal financial difficulties that have hit my family, but if pp on unemployment, facing evictions, & not having enough to eat get assistance, then I'm cool getting nothing.
Send Americans on unemployment $600 a week for at least three months. Send Americans making less than $12,000 a year the same. Freeze rents. Halt mortgages and evictions. Cancel student loan debt. Implement single payer healthcare. All these things could HELP PEOPLE.
& to the jack-ass politician who said pp shouldn't get checks b/c paying off a cc wouldn't help the economy, how the fuck do you think I got that debt? I got it spending money in my community. When was the last time you did fuck-all for your community?
Sincerely, a tax-paying Kentuckian and member of @senatemajldr McConnell's constituency that he doesn't give a fuck about. How dare you call yourself a leader.
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