#Thread on Kanhoji Angre, the naval genius who was the first indigenous defender of the coasts against the erstwhile #European #colonial powers - the British, Portuguese & Dutch.

Kanhoji Angre was born to Tukoji Angre in about 1669. Tukoji Angre had served in navy under Shahaji Bhosale (father of Chh. Shivaji), then #Sardar for #Adilshah of Bijapur (1640). Later, Tukoji was made commander in Chh. #Shivaji's #navy at Suvarnadurg coastal #fort in 1657.
1682 - #Kanhoji participated in naval skirmish with Siddis of Janjira (intermittent #Mughal vassals), which ended in defeat.

1688 - Kanhoji defended Suvarna-durg fort against #siege of #Siddis successfully. He was made fort #commander upon this successful defence.
1690 - Kanhoji was appointed Deputy Commander/Admiral under Admiral Sidhoji Gujar by #Chhatrapati Rajaram. He operated from headquarters at Khanderi, about 30 kms south of #Mumbai
1697 - Kanhoji moved his HQ to Kolaba (today's Colaba in Mumbai), thereby threatening the positions of both - English and the Siddis.

1698 - Kanhoji Angre was promoted to Admiralship (Sarkhel, in #Marathi). He repealed an attack by the Siddis on Kolaba (HQ)
1701 - Kanhoji repealed another major attack by the Siddis on Kolaba and Khanderi. Entered into temporary, secret alliance with #Portuguese against the Siddis ( #Mughal vassal at that time)

1702 - Capture of English merchantship near Calicut due to lack of proper papers.
1706 - 3 English ships captured

1708 - Portuguese ships captured, Portuguese army defeated at Chaul

1712 - Bombay Governor's yacht captured. Temporary peacedeal w/ British. Portuguese merchant fleet captured.
1713 - #Portuguese defeated Kanhoji's fleet near Chaul (40 kms south of #Mumbai)

1714 - Kanhoji Angre made Admiral (Sarkhel) under Chh. Shahu via peace treaty. Use of own seal "by the pleasure of Chh.Shahu, the seal of Kanhoji Sarkhel, the son of Tukoji,is always victorious"
1717 - Two more English ships captured

1718 - War Declared by British vs #Marathas. British attacks on Khanderi,Kolaba,Gheria repealed successfully; Maratha fleet defeated by Portuguese

1720 - Combined attack of Ports. + #British on Kolaba & Vijaydurg. Successfully repealed
1721 - Anglo-Portuguese attack on Kolaba. Chhatrapati Shahu's army came to rescue

1722 - Peace deal between Marathas and Anglo-Portuguese union.

1729 - 4th July, Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre passed away.
Sarkhel #Kanhoji Angre had inherited 10 ships to his fleet. With resourceful use of the intelligence & skills of Koli, etc. communities in Konkan, as well as the abundant timber, he expanded his fleet to 80 ships by his death in 1729!
“The people and the noblemen of the Konkan recognized no other master than Kanhoji Angre,” --- Marathi historian Manohar Malgonkar in his 1981 Kanhoji biography The Sea Hawk.
He was among the first “champion[s] of Indian resistance to European Imperialism” --- Patricia Risso, ‘Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Piracy’ https://www.jstor.org/stable/20078911?seq=1
Kanhoji “started guerrilla warfare. He knew his coast; he knew what the advantages of fighting near the coast were.” --- Cmdr. Mohan Narayan,Curator,Maritime History Society in Mumbai
In response to British accusations of #piracy, Kanhoji replied in sharp words, that "traders have no right to accuse the Empire, forged by our valour against 4 strong rivals, of piracy"
Ref : Consultation Bombay Castle, 7 August,1724, The Angreys Of Kolaba In British Records
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