My top 5 books of 2020 (n=44) shifted my world-view in some way, convinced me to start writing, & took me on adventures.

1. How to Take Smart Notes
2. On Writing Well
3. The Fabric of Reality
4. Siddhartha
5. The Fractal Prince

Here's why you should read each one 👇🏾
1/ How to Take Smart Notes

This book isn't just about note-taking, it's about learning.

By taking notes while reading, capturing big ideas & connecting new ideas with existing ideas, you'll uncover a new way of thinking.

I no longer read to read, I read to learn.
2/ On Writing Well

This book convinced me to write and publish my first blog post this year.

It emphasizes clarity, brevity, precision, and personality.

It taught me that good nonfiction writing is all about you: you write for you and your readers read for you.
3/ The Fabric of Reality

describes a theory of everything.

He takes well-known theories in quantum physics, epistemology, computation, evolution & combines them to answer ambitious questions: Is time travel possible? Are we living in VR? Does free will exist?
4/ Siddhartha

I learned more about spirituality from this 152-page fiction than I did from The Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, and Food for the Heart.

It taught me that there is no wrong spiritual path.
5/ The Fractal Prince by @hannu

This book has forever changed the way I view reality.

You're in a world where minds exist as bits & beings can interact with their stories (also bits). VR simulators are created and spun up with ease. Words unlock minds, minds become words.
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