Crowdsourcing for medical bills
In TV shows, when girl roommates will come and sleep in the same bed for comfort. You never see that with Guy roommates and I think it's representative of a huge part of men's disconnection.
Everything about the need for pickup trucks. I like trucks, but yikes sometimes.
The average cop has less training than the average hair stylist
Little to no fear-mongering about White collar crime
That we had to do National campaigns saying that mask prevented spit from coming out of your mouth. It's the same logic as umbrellas, and we don't have to convince people those work
That mostly all Financial advice is useless for poor people. Their success is heavily reliant on no emergencies.
That churches have huge pots of wealth.
Just because your restaurant can make a fried chicken sandwich, doesn't mean it should
That public transportation cost money.

To get in and around your city should be a part of your tax base, and allows you to keep revenues and that economy moving. It's one of the easiest forms of stimulus we could do

Low-wage job flexibility would Skyrocket
That the US doesn't use the military to retrain parts of our labor force for modern jobs or rebuild infrastructure. We have this huge system we throw gobs of money at and don't deploy it where we need it most
That insurance payments don't roll over or going to an investment account(for the client, split with a fee for handling) when a claim isn't made.
That everyone knows education is vital, and teachers make so little.
That self reliance is reliant on access, resources, and luck.

"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" ideology folk still send their kids to private schools and hire them the best coaches because they know the mantra is bs.
That Mayors are still called Mayor after they are done being the mayor is ridiculous
That additional car safety features are a premium and not a standard
The every "hustle culture/productivity" book is the exactly the same and has been the same for generations. Everyone is just re-writing(or making daily vids) of The 7 Effective Habits, a rewrite itself. Tim Ferris just Googles for you.
That coffee and alcohol are drugs. They are just profitable and entrenched. We could get rid of a ton of problems through education and not stigmatization
Also, a non small part of middle class-to wealthy america does coke. Like, way more people(in normal times) do coke than you think. It's not an epidemic because it's rich white folk and their kids
That homelessness is a thing while empty commercial/residential buildings are rampant for tax incentive reasons

That housing density is only really an issue because middle class -rich people don't want the poors next to them
That leafblowers don't have to be loud
That if a country really wanted to they could wreck the US's electrical infrastructure pretty easily
That apartments charge pet rent
That I can do this all day, but I need to log off this hellsite
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