Here's a thread recap of what 2020 was like for me as a public radio reporter in #Louisville, Kentucky. Let me start by saying it was the most challenging year of my decade-long career in journalism and I at one point covered breaking news in Florida.
I'll mostly skip past the first months of the year when I was a sweet summer child, save to say that misinformation reached a fever pitch in 2020 and stories like this one from January show it was a problem long before the pandemic and the election:
I paid close attention to news out of China. By early February I began bringing it up in our daily news meetings. That was back when we had things like office cake. I went to the grocery store to stock up on food and medicine. It never crossed my mind to buy extra toilet paper.
In March, we abandoned our office. I went back for my computer monitor a few days later and felt like I was in I Am Legend. I wrote this "Kentucky nightlife has gone dark to stop the spread of the coronavirus." It was gut-wrenching to put together.
Before the U.S. began considering masks, I wrapped my face in scarves to go cover a PPE delivery because I'd seen people in China wearing masks.
May 28th I survived a mass shooting. I got a call from my editor about protests downtown. I threw together my gear, doubled up my masks and went to Jefferson Square Park.
Minutes before the protest reached the church, I watched someone break a window at the library and toss in the lit flare. Scott was nowhere in sight (the charges against her have since been dropped).
Somewhere around that time, a photo I snapped went viral. I didn't catch the significance at the time, but afterwards many pointed out the irony of the poster of Alberta Jones, Louisville's first black woman prosecutor, who was murdered, in the background.
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