Hospital Capacity:

Most of the media coverage on hospitals has been focused on beds. Beds are not the resource limitation, clinicians are. And beds are used as the best proxy for hospital capacity. Typical utilization rates depend on the hospital but vary between 65% and 90%

In April, Vanderbilt created a predictive model to advise the State on what restrictions and NPI’s such as social distancing (notice that masks were not an input into the model) to implement in order to avert certain disaster, without which we would see 50,000 hospitalizations
As time goes on, it becomes clearer that the hospital capacity disaster that was predicted never came to pass, and never will, even with recent increases during the winter respiratory virus season.

Furthermore, when hospitals suspended elective procedures in the Spring/Summer- they had to furlough and layoff staff. Observing employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics this reduction in staffing has still not fully recovered.
This is a vicious cycle that our political, education, and healthcare leaders need to find their way out of. It's time they start seeing that they are creating the problem, not solving it.

Closed schools mean stressed hospital staff.


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