the conflation of transphobia and racism comes from the idea that trans women and black woman have the shared experience of being 'excluded' from womanhood - as black women were historically denied personhood, they were not always legally seen as 'women'.
what does this have to with transphobia? nothing. but the logic is that if you don't see trans women as women, then you view yourself as some kind of arbiter of womanhood, which is the same perspective taken by those who denied black women their personhood.
that is, racist lawmakers, and slave owners. the community has taken this impressive conflation of two unrelated viewpoints on the vague subject of womanhood, and turned it into a statement you see on social media every day - 'transmisogyny is racist'.
in reality, this is just a way for white mtfs to appropriate racism - to act like refusing to view them as a woman is, somehow, making them a victim of racism. the actual feelings and experienced of black women (oppressed specifically because they are female, a fact that -
was NOT overlooked by the racist white lawmakers and slave owners who were responsible for this oppression) are never addressed in this context because, obviously, they would have to listen to women about their female experiences, which is not allowed.
it's just completely insane to say that non-black males can be victims of antiblackness, and that white males can be victims of racism, all oppressed vicariously through the slave trade, and specifically, the exploitation of black women.
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