1] Was looking forward to having the 'Devil topic' with @McBrzy36 🤣

Endless tweets on politics, important as they are, can become tiring, because of our polarisation

Be that as it may, I would think it's clear to everyone, more so Pres Chamisa, as to what Dougie will now do https://twitter.com/panashe1402/status/1344653024241848323
2] From the onset, it's clear that Mwonzora has issues with Chamisa, not Mnangagwa, especially between now & 2023.

He has never been in any political contestation with ED, yet has been fighting NC since about 2014.

For the time being, NC is his only external political opponent
3] So with ED, we are likely to see Dougie's "rational disputation" (as if he has any dispute with him)

The MDC-T will start formally recognizing ED & ZanuPF, dialoguing through Parliament & even formally attending State functions.

Wont be surprised if Dougie joins POLAD
4] As for Chamisa, Dougie will start positioning himself as Dr MT's heir thus claiming whatever Dr MT had,or would be politically entitled to.

That includes HH, MDC-T property, acceptance from the Tsvangirai family, local & international recognition as successor & MDC President.
5] Already, Dougie showed how dangerous a spoon is in the hands of an enemy

He will continue recalling all legislators & councillors who stick with Chamisa

He will also continue claiming ownership & leadership of the MDC ALLIANCE, meaning continued fight for the MDC-A name.
6] There is a logic to his "rational disputation" madness

It ensures him support from the system, thus giving him power to fight NC

Just like Khupe,DM will need the captured state institutions to act in his favour, since he has no political clout nor legal standing to fight NC
7] So whereas we thought it was ridiculous for Dr Khupe to claim to be the Leader of Opposition when she only got 45000 votes, our new LoO will claim the same position because he received some 800 votes.

He wont feel any shame & it wont matters because we are a mad lot.
8] So mukoma @panashe1402, that's what I think will happen

Between now & 2018, there will be some form of sanity in the MDC-T as the State directly & indirectly sharpens their new found political weapon, so as to fight Chamisa, hoping that he will be weakened come 2023.
9] As for how the MDC-T will perform in 2023, I think it's easier to attract 45000 delegates than 3 million voters.

But maybe the unchosen will make himself undeniable.

After all, a man who swallows a whole coconut surely has complete faith in his anus.

toast to 2021
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