Broadly speaking, 2020 can do one. But there have been some moments 1/
There was a lovely weekend in Edinburgh with @nikkipenman for the rugby. Weather and the game were awful but we had nice food and drink. Which we undoubtedly thought we'd be doing more of 2/
As lockdown started Oscar and I passed a rugby ball around in the street most afternoons 3/
And these two were brilliant during the whole thing (pic taken pre-lockdown. How much have I saved in sundaes this year?) 4/
Then along came Luna 😍 5/
And I did get to drink some nice whisky by the fire 6/
In the brief window in summer I did manage to play a wee bit of golf with my brother 7/
This year was a lot about work. It's odd seeing a comms office like this but the brilliant, awesome, amazing team @nlcpeople knocked it out the park with some of the most important work any of us will ever do. There's no group of people I'd rather bellow "You're on mute" with 8/
And there were some really nice walks 9/
2021 will be better. Whatever it holds, I hope you have a happy new year
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