By all accounts 2020 has been an absolutely trash year. I know it has been for me and I’m sure it has been for you too. But I did want to end these terrible 365 days on an internet high note with an all day thread of things I really liked on here this year. So here goes...
This thread can only start at one place. The one video that makes me laugh every time it shows up in the timeline. Shoutout to his family.
Mashed potatoes and Arkansas football had a resurgence this year thanks to @joshteeter01
The @jimmygards McConaughey thread. Yes it started in 2017 but I really think it hit its stride this year, respectfully.
The Bryson DeChambeau workout video. We were all THICCnesses.
. @karenehowell is consistently one of the funniest follows on this hellsite. She introduced me to this clip from a Hallmark movie know what, maybe dont follow her.
For a brief minute there in 2020 I thought we’d never get @ShutdownFullcas episodes again, but then life found a way. Dale and a jet ski, Dusty Rhodes in Lord of the Rings, Ham talk. Remember to take those old records off the shelf.
The 2020 football season was a hot mess from the jump, but that didn’t stop Coffeetown from winning a state championship. Someone in media is going to look very smart when they hire @Wes_nship
There was only one good Broadway production this year and it was professional wrestling
Working in oil and gas during a pandemic and a historic commodity downturn, not the best. Thankfully I found a very niche crew over with #EFT led by @EnronChairman's Friday Night Roll Call, @mr_skilling's tweets, and this video explaining everything
The college football season in 2020 was impossible to understand, thankfully @josnead and everyone at @SECShorts really stepped up their game to help explain it.
That time early on in quarantine when @ClueHeywood drove around in his Cadillac telling dirty jokes. Shoutout Kevin and Steely Dan.
I’m not on TikTok. I’ll probably never be on TikTok. Thankfully @landonhowell has made sure I didn’t miss anything this year.
When I say that @KingJosiah54 did not miss a tweet all year, I truly mean it.
One of my favorite new podcasts this year was @VBSpodcast. @thejasonkirk and his lovely wife go book by book through the Bible, kinda. They are on pace to finish by the year 2133. It’s funny, well researched, and has episodes named Jacksonville Jesus & Militant Mary.
My pal @DJPie really outdid himself this year with the @NoLayingUp Tourist Sauce series in Oregon. The golf was kind of secondary to DJ’s landscape porn shots.
DK Metcalf. That’s it. That’s the tweet.
Lane Kiffin in general. The clipboard specifically.
I will read/watch/listen to anything @SheaSerrano and @netw3rk do. Their The Connect podcast brought me a lot of joy in 2020. THEYRE SMAHT SHARKS, MIKE
When he isn’t busy writing Buffalo Bills fan faction, @peterberkes cooked his ass off this year. It was always delicious reading.
2020 also had maybe the worst @notthefakeSVP Bad Beat in history. “GET ON YOUR HORSE, 67!” - @StanfordSteve82
A lot of podcasts in 2020. Here’s another. The Trap Draw. @BigRandyNLU and @TronCarterNLU are two of my favorite people and they let me come on and talk about Frank Melton for an hour.
The @TBob53 WE ARE GREECE rant
To keep with the LSU continuity, this makes it just under the gun and is the greatest pregame hype video ever made. I watch it at least once a month.
Kind of keeping with the LSU theme...DEN OF THIEVES. I realize it came out 2 years ago but I saw it for the first time this year and I will ride with Pablo Schreiber and fat Gerard Butler into any storm.
The GOD DAMMIT tree.
The Steak Walk. How @shanebacon got gainful employment after this is beyond me.
You can follow @BunkiePerkins.
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