Thanks for the questions re Philip Zinckernagel. I’ll be answering them on this thread. I'll be touching on some in more detail through other formats too, so let’s get to it!

#WatfordFC #WFC
1.What’s his best position?
Predominantly a right winger, although can operate from the left and has the attributes to play a more attacking role centrally.
See his Assist location map below. I do think you could fit him in centrally, but with how our squad is currently built it seems unlikely.
2.Can he take set pieces?
Yes, he can. He’s maybe not exactly the DFK taker we want, although he did score one recently. But he is pretty good, I’d imagine he’d go straight on to corners and FK’s when in the team. 
3.What’s the defensive side of his game like?
He’s defensive numbers aren’t particularly impressive, but it’s not really down to lack of ability.
He was FK Bodø/Glimt’s main attacking outlet, so wasn’t relied upon too heavily. But imo he’s more than capable of doing what’s needed.
http://4.Is  he here to replace Sarr?
I honestly don’t think we know yet, but he’s insurance. We need depth on the wings anyway, Sarr and Sema are racking up too many minutes.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing for Sarr to have some competition either. If Sarr was to go, I’d imagine we’d see another winger in this window.
http://5.Is  he a starter?
I think he will be, in time. But starter is a bit of a grey spot with our schedule, we’re going to have to be rotating. He’s got some qualities that a very different to what we have currently, and I think Xisco will appreciate them.
6.Does he fit Xisco’s system?
Yes, he does. He’s a versatile and intelligent footballer, capable of operating in any wide position. He’s happy to play from deep, as well as drifting into central areas.
Perfect for the type of 4-4-2 that Xisco deploys. He may need to adapt to not being the primary attacking threat though.
7.What’s his work rate like?
Good, he’s a pretty explosive player but he’s got a good engine on him. Able to keep his burst late into games.
8.Has he got a good attitude?
I’ve seen nothing to suggest there’s anything wrong in this department. I can comment on what I see on the pitch though, and he’s a team player.
Good effort all round, and seems like a good teammate. Danish players have a good rep for being very coachable (general statement I know).
9.Are we moving to a Brentford model of recruitment?
In a way, yes. Firstly in how we’ve identified the player, as I mentioned previously he’s a ‘data darling’.. Pretty confident our new team of analysts would have been pushing for this one.
Secondly the market we’re looking in is similar. Brentford have been having lots of success there, and we’re following suit. There have been questions over the transition from those leagues, but they’ve been getting it right.
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