On New Years Eve I always like to reflect on highlights from the previous year by putting together a list of top 10 moments.

I thought this would be hard to do for 2020, a year with so many challenges. But when I sat down to write, it turned out there were a lot of bright spots:

We kicked off the year by announcing that Rhode Island would no longer invest state $ in companies that manufacture assault weapons for civilian use or own for-profit prisons.

We can (and do) deliver strong financial performance for the state while living up to our values.

By March, Covid was here, the economy was shutting down and the state was low on cash.

We worked around the clock for weeks with our partners to line up hundreds of millions of $ in emergency financing to keep the state running so front line workers could keep getting paid

All year, we used the influence of our office to push companies to do the right thing.

From making sure Stop & Shop workers got hazard pay, pressuring banks to make PPP loans to small biz's without unnecessary strings attached, to cracking down on Covid drug price-gouging.

On top of everything else, 2020 was an election year!

I had a blast campaigning for some truly phenomenal local candidates across Rhode Island.

One important way to rebuild our state's economy is to make it as easy as possible for Rhode Islanders to access high quality job training.

This year we announced that CollegeBound, RI's 529 savings plan, can now be used to pay for the costs of apprenticeship programs!

Out of tragedy comes hope.

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor & others is a call to action. It was a privilege to join thousands of RIers protesting peacefully for change, and to engage in challenging & productive conversations about how we can achieve true equity.

Despite a crazy year we maintained the state's strong financial condition.

Our pension investments outperformed 87% of our peers and ended at over $9 billion in assets for the first time- good news for retirees and for taxpayers.

And our strong bond rating was re-affirmed.

We spent summer and fall advocating for a large bonding program to stimulate the economy & put RIers back to work.

The General Assembly approved the plan, including job-creating investments in housing, infrastructure & the environemnt.

Now it's on the ballot this spring!

Need I say more?

Without a doubt the best part of 2020 was seeing how every day RIers stepped up, bravely and compassionately, to help each other through this challenging time.

We're not out of the woods yet, but the future is looking bright. I've never bee prouder to be a Rhode Islander!
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