Earlier this month, we crossed a grim milestone in Canada...10,000 #COVID19 deaths in #LTC.

They were human beings, and not just "numbers." Every life mattered.

Here are some year-end reflections on Canada’s LTC crisis:

1/ In March, the first death in #LTC due to #COVID19 in Canada occurred at the Lynn Valley Care Centre in North Vancouver. B.C. went on to “nationalize” their LTC sector, largely avoiding the catastrophe of Ontario & Quebec in wave 1.
2/ Ontario’s first major #COVID19 outbreak in #LTC was at Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, where 29 people died. Many of the systemic failures around infection control, staffing, transparency & accountability were revealed during this deadly outbreak.
3/ At Maison Herron in Quebec, people were found without food, water, basic care & hygiene. Alarmingly, this continues to occur in many homes with large scale COVID-19 outbreaks. Of note, Quebec hired 10,000 PSWs over the summer.
4/ We call them “heroes,” but frontline health workers in #LTC are exposed to some of the most dangerous working conditions during #COVID19. 16 people have died across the country. It’s time we provide better protection for all essential workers in LTC.
5/ #COVID19 has seen cruel & harmful policies restricting family caregivers, who are essential partners in care, from entering #LTC homes. Inexplicably, these policies continue, worsening neglect & isolation. Many people are still suffering & dying alone.
6/ In May, a scathing report of the military’s experience at five Ontario #LTC homes revealed shocking abuse & neglect allegations. The government promised to put an “iron ring” around LTC homes, but the outbreaks and deaths continue...
7/ It took a Twitter post by a doctor working at Tendercare Nursing Home in Scarborough to expose a horrific outbreak. Why do we still not have full transparency from all #LTC facilities about infection control, staffing levels & family caregiver access?
8/ With more outbreaks & disproportionately higher deaths than in publicly owned homes, #COVID19 has exposed the dangers of for-profit #LTC. These daily tragedies have led to demands on the federal & provincial governments to make LTC public.
9/ Seniors living in #LTC have raised us & built the society we cherish. Across Canada, we see that the system is broken. An overhaul of LTC is needed to protect these important people. It's an issue of political will. It's a matter of life & death. (END)
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