Thinking about all the media I’ve experienced for the first time this year

and I do believe it’s thread time for the firsts and best of 2020!
1) First and foremost, after about 5 years or so of chipping away at it, I’ve finally finished my read through of Ron Marz’s Green Lantern run and if you know me, you know my love for this run like no other

Kyle Rayner is the greatest DC character of all time
2) An attempt at getting into Castlevania, I played Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night for the first time this year

While I don’t think I’ll play anymore of the series, these two are going down as some of my favorite games of all time.

Richter is the best Belmont
3) You’d think a manga about French Revolution executioners would be dull but boy did Innocent blow all of my expectations for it out of the water. The characters, the art, the time period, it all feels so masterful

I can’t say anymore for Innocent besides READ THIS BEAUTY
4) I came for what I thought was solely a mecha anime and came out with a message on living and hope I never expected to receive

Experiencing Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time was like watching a story you won’t find again for centuries unfold before your very eyes
5) LISA the Painful RPG is a game I think EVERYONE should play

A game deeply inspired by the Mother series, every stretch of it is so wacky and memorable and the music is just..MWUAH!

One of the first pieces of passion filled media Sydnie showed me that I hope to finish in 2021
6) This is the first thing I think about when I reminisce on the time spent with my friends this year

When we were all quarantined, my friends took the time to sit down and show me Avatar the Last Airbender for the first time

This will always have a special place in my heart
7) Just so wholesome, the first show I watched in full together with Sydnie and I love it so much

Takeo feels like yet another comfort character I can reside in that I didn’t appreciate enough until now

I loved every bit of My Love Story
8) ANOTHER piece of media Sydnie showed me that I think about so endlessly

Hannibal has one of my favorite season finales of all time in season 2 and I just want to leave it at that

Such a beautifully crafted show that indulges in the surreal and beautiful
9) Holy hell what a beautifully “Street Fighter” Street Fighter game

Alpha 3 will be what my mind wanders to when I think “What is TRUE Street Fighter?”

I used to think that place was for SFIV but it’s without a doubt in my mind Alpha 3 that holds that spot for me now
10) I don’t think an album has ever made me tear up like 98.12.28 has

My favorite piece of music I discovered this year that really stuck with me, words alone can’t describe my love for Fishmans ever since I found them out for myself.

My favorites
11) JUJUTSU KAISEN!! Literally who isn’t reading this gem

What can I even say besides how wonderful it is, I don’t think I’ve ever read something that felt so natural yet confident in itself like JJK exudes

The story is wonderful, Yuji is amazing, and Gege is just too good

ACE ATTORNEY TRILOGY, even the weakest of the bunch (Justice for All) is no lower than a 9 from me

I don’t think I’ve ever revolved my time around playing a set of games like I have with Ace Attorney, it’s nothing short of the Capcom charm you’ll expect
13) Grim Fandango, Tim Schaefer’s Magnum Opus

An adventure game that is both sophisticated and eloquent yet charming, stylized, and charismatic

If I had to envelope my mind into one piece of media, Grim Fandango feels like a love letter to my own taste

A game of gold
14) This is what dreams are made of

The long awaited 5 year wait for Final Fantasy 7 Remake felt like a journey and I have to say, every bit of it delivered perfectly

I just love being a Final Fantasy fan
15) My 2020 Underdog

I could honestly write an article on what makes Hades click for me so easily

I attest all of my love for storytelling and history to Greek mythology and some of the earliest memories of serious gaming were my times spent playing The Binding of Isaac—

—and Hades mashes up these two ideas of expositive, explorative narrative and rewarding rogue-like gameplay to make something truly beautiful

This alongside of SuperGiant’s amazing work ethic, makes Hades not only my 2020 Underdog but my 2020 Game of the Year
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