Running Reviews!
I'm going to get one more done this year, but before I do, I just wanted to share some thoughts on what the Running Reviews have meant to me and how they've helped keep me stay positive and focussed during a very odd year indeed..
I did my first one on April the 14th, after it became obvious that running outside during a pandemic did nothing for my anxiety. I started running again in 2019 to change a decade long habit of drinking too much & using alcohol as a way to either block feelings or heighten them..
I knew that in 2020 I needed running more than ever, before my old, self destructive behaviour returned. On the way back from Co-Op I INVENTED (Yes...I INVENTED) the Running Review. I figured if I listened to new music whilst running, it would take my mind off everything!
I put a vote up with 4 debut albums I'd never heard, and asked you to decide which one I should run to!
The reaction to this Running Review was immediate. Not only did it make running fun again for me, but I also received messages from people saying it was the push they needed to get out the door. I felt motivated, and strong enough to stay away from the booze for another day!
I found I was able to run to something I'd never heard before at least 3 times a week. My fitness and strength skyrocketed. I hadn't felt this good whilst running for a very long time. On June 4th, a did a review that changed everything for me...
On June 4th @runjewels released RTJ4. @KillerMike and @therealelp shared the Running Review, and it changed my life. I was suddenly getting messages from people all around the world, saying that they went for their FIRST ever RUN after watching the video!
I couldn't believe what was happening! Here I was, doing something that I needed in order to stay motivated and positive, and it in turn was motivating others. I'd made it to the summer without alcohol, and my mind and body were feeling great!
A month after the RTJ review, I ran to the new single by @idlesband. They've been one of my favourite bands since their debut album came out, and I couldn't wait to run to their new single. The band shared it, and again, I felt my life changing in a way I'd never expected..
The exposure from Idles meant that more and more people were discovering the benefits of exercise during a pandemic! I also found that people were responding positively to a Welsh guy running and shouting about peace, love and rock and roll!
I was on a roll now, and I'd listened to more new music than ever before. I'd discovered that deep down I loved Heavy Metal. Rammstein blew my mind, and Slayer had me foaming at the mouth! By the end of June I was 7 months sober and running more than ever before!
I woke up at 5am on the 30th June and set off on a run to The Dead Kennedys. I really didn't fancy running that morning because it was cold, the sky was grey and my bed was calling me back. I did it anyway, and this is the run that really put Running Punks out there to!!
The amazing @laurenlaverne picked up on my Dead Kennedys Review and featured Running Punks on @BBC6Music. I couldn't believe what was happening! More and more people were reaching out to say they'd started running!
The exposure from this meant that Running Reviews were featured on the news and the numbers of Running Punks kept growing! On August the 20th, I travelled to Bristol and met up with Dev from @idlesband to film a WORLD PREMIER of their new album!
In September I decided to quit my job and focus my time and energy on running and helping others on their running journey. It really has been a strange year, but I'm thankful for all the amazing artists I've chatted to since doing that first Running Review. Thank YOU!!!
There's no real moral to this thread. I just wanted to share it with you all before 2020 is gone for good. It still blows me away that something I started for my own mental health, is now helping a lot of people around the world. I'm three days away from being sober for a year!
Anyway. Here's a quick run down of some of my absolute favourite runs of 2020!
1) @idlesband - Ultra Mono!

Filmed in Bristol and Llanelli. A run where I had to stop between every song because the link I'd been sent from the record label meant I had to refresh it after each song:
2) @_billy_nomates

Another run I nearly didn't do because it was so cold outside! This album has been on a constant loop at home and when out running! I love it!
3) @ghostpoet

I actually got lost after doing this run and ended up having to pick wild berries to keep me going because I felt like I was gonna pass out. I fell down about two miles from my car and cut my leg. The wound took weeks to heal! !

This run was absolutely wild and this album made me want to play the guitar again!
5) @yourdreamnails

Oh my word. What can I say about this run! It was a glorious day and I'm so glad this band got in touch and asked me to run to their album! I love it! This was the first time I had to stop running during a review!
6) @Ani_Glass

This was part of my Welsh Music Prize Rundown (which I still haven't finished). I felt weightless running around the reservoir to this album! Maximum enjoyment!
7) @jeffrosenstock

A few years ago I toured the States with Jeff, and we had a great time together. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and this album gives me so much joy and hope. Love you Jeff x
8) @KTLband

One of my highlights of 2020 has been my friendship with @MooseKTL. We finally got to say hello in real life in a brewery in Bridgend, and this album absolutely rocks! Keep an eye on these guys, they'll smash it when lockdown is over!
9) @magickmntn

I've known Tom since my old band gigged with Pulled Apart By Horses way back in the day! He's an absolutely lovely human. I didn't do any races in 2020, but I did one time trial. I chose this as my soundtrack!
10) @Pigsx7

I ran to this again yesterday! It is absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see them playing live when this is all over!
11) @ThoseDamnCrows

Another beautiful friendship that blossomed during 2020, was with these guys! I love them to bits! This was such an uplifting run! get the idea! I've loved a lot of music this year. I'm off to do my final run of the year! Catch you later. Be wonderful to one another xxx
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