Expect those who make a living in the oppression* industry to crawl out waving their credentials in the wake of #GeorgeNkencho shooting.

They need dead black men to justify their existence.

Will see bumper levels of integration* funding flowing off the back of this incident.
66 year old women reportedly beaten to a pulp, windows smashed, motorists and shoppers terrorised by violent African gangs in wake of Protest* facilitated by professional agitators ‘Fingal Communities Against Racism’.
Eye witness account of lynching of Irish female pensioner by African mob. https://mobile.twitter.com/CalebMurray97/status/1344734663198302211
Thread below contains some of the more shocking scenes from today's protests which were facilitated by @fingaltogether.
#GeorgeNkencho https://mobile.twitter.com/CalebMurray97/status/1344729885445644289
As #RevengeForGeorge gangs enjoy a hands off #LaisserFaire style policing approach, locals wonder when law & order will be restored.

But Minister for Justice @HMcEntee is a #BlackLivesMatter supporter herself & would find any crackdown on BLM *peaceful protesters* too upsetting.
Speaking of peaceful protesters, @HMcEntee was not particularly upset when Gardai baton-charged a middle aged crowd of anti-lockdown campaigners in October.
Seems the Minister's definition of a "peaceful protest" depends more on politics than the actual reality on the ground.
Ever since "compassionate" @HMcEntee announced a moratorium on deportation & amnesty for illegals every low IQ wannabee rapper thinks they now have a free pass to loot & pillage Irish businesses. https://mobile.twitter.com/JRD0000/status/1345210990800080901
Growing outrage that Dublin Lord Mayor @HazeChu would be retweeting Lucy's insideous attempts to exploit a tragedy.
Lucy is floating a policing "racial bias" narrative. https://mobile.twitter.com/last_call12/status/1344400221606998017
However Chu stopped short of RTing written instructions from Lucy's group @fingaltogether on how #GeorgeNkencho protesters can camouflage their identity.

These instructions are clearly designed to frustrate Gardai from identifying offenders when protests turn violent.
Speaking with Dr Lucy Michael, Nana Nubi from the "Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies" says Gardai "should have paused and been a bit more thoughtful" before shooting #GeorgeNkencho..
..wonder how that would have worked out? https://twitter.com/BritonCheck/status/1345720326995410945
Meanwhile #BLM flyboy @paulmurphy_TD is posing rhetorical questions, such as.. did the fact that George was black affect the decision to shoot him?
Irish pols pushing black racial grievance rhetoric in the wake of #GeorgeNkencho shooting are taking a hammering on social media from exasperated Dubs who've had their fill.
@AodhanORiordain decides that discretion is the better part of virtue signalling & deletes his #BLM tweet.
Getting back to @FingalTogether, Lucy says she set it up before the 2019 by-election to disrupt the campaign of an ex- @Independent_ie journalist who was running on a law & order agenda in a constituency plagued by African gang violence..
..Lucy says her group "was absolutely about driving them out at the very local level".
Burkean:"You're OK with getting physical with these people.. doing what needs to be done basically"
Lucy:"I wouldn't say no".

For some reason Lucy never attempts to sabotage #FineGael though.
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