"Aarti" is one of the sixteen steps followed during a Pooja

While it has various scientific , spiritual and philosophical reasons behind it , let's know the significance of burning Kapur (Camphor) in Aarti (reference is mainly to the kapur extracted from trees)
While we burn Kapur it is noticed that it doesn't leave any residue which signifies our desires which when lit by the "Fire" of knowledge burns without leaving any residue.

Kapur also has calming and soothing properties which in modern world is used in therapy.
Pure form of Kapur when burnt has anti bacterial properties which is why it is known to purify the air, hence removing negative vibes around us.

Kapur when diluted with certain oils can be used for skin and hair related problems.

While many will come up with various debates
Not supporting the idea of Aarti and Kapur ... It is upto us what to believe and practice.

Our rituals are scientific , we are unaware of the reasons

But belief is above reason

Har Har Mahadev 🙏
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