'Learning needs assessment: assessing the need'
by Janet Grant author of 'The good CPD Guide'
Assessment of learning needs

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1325078/pdf/0029.pdf Kieran Walsh 2006

HT Andrew Blanshard via @FutureLearn
'shifted to a culture of psychological safety in which the rewards of learning from failure can be fully realized'

'thoughtful experimentation that generates valuable information may actually be praiseworthy'

Johari Window
Self assessment
360 degree appraisal
HT @ashjamesphysio


Great resource to add to the reading list for clinical educators / supervisors
Clinicians 'in difficulty—just slower learners?'

A change from “fixed-length variable-outcome programmes” to “fixed-outcome variable-length
programmes” has been proposed ...'

Early warning signs (Pace, 2004)
-The disappearing act: not answering bleeps; disappearing between clinic and ward; lateness; frequent sick leave;
-Insight failure: defensive, lacks insight and finds it difficult to accept constructive feedback
-Low work rate: attends work but does not achieving a reasonable workload;
-Ward rage: prone to lose temper;
-Rigidity: inability to compromise; difficulty prioritising;
-Bypass syndrome: junior colleagues or nurses find ways to avoid seeking the doctor’s opinion or help;
-Career problems: difficulty with exams; uncertainty about career choice; disillusionment with medicine.

Fantastic link ⤵️

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