It's a really tough time being in healthcare at the moment, it's likely to get worse before it gets better.

We all need to look after ourselves especially our mental health & each other, too many colleagues are silently suffering

Your Deanery has a Professional Support Unit PSU/PSW to provide support with counselling or a number of services

for those in the EoE here is ours, but every deanery has one, staffed by people who want to help support front line staff
There is also stuff we can do to support ourselves that was done in the first wave that we will need to redo as trainees and consultants through this difficult time

An example of a great trainee led wellbeing (permission to share granted)
Our trusts will also have a number of resources available, this is only a quick run through the internet to look at support, there is more out there, if anyone knows of other great wellbeing/support services do send them to me or add to this thread.
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