Jan 2020 - Georgia election server hacked and compromised up to 2 years and exposed to the internet at least 6 months. Once a lawsuit was filed they wiped the server refusing to submit it for analysis. The FBI had a copy tho. 2016 election logs were wiped. https://apnews.com/article/39dad9d39a7533efe06e0774615a6d05
The Georgia server logs were wiped until 2 days after the 2016 election.

Does this sound familiar? It should, Michigan Antrim county logs were found wiped until the day after the election in a forensic audit.
Although the equipment this year was new, the coverup and silence from Kemp and Raffensperger and other officials is the most alarming part. Plus the passwords of the entire election system employees were obtained.

Officials argued that because of their new system, problems with the old system aren’t relevant anymore.

“Of course, that’s not true,” Marilyn Marks added. “This was the hub of their entire Georgia elections structure.”
Georgia covering up election fraud woes is a repeating problem. Why?

Considering their election server was hacked before and the 2016 election logs were deleted by the hacker, you would think they would DEMAND a forensic audit this year. Add in the recent white hat hacking too.
Documents obtained by an independent researcher from the FBI in a Freedom of Information Act request and shared with The Associated Press provide no indication that the bureau ever examined the Georgia election server image for malicious activity.
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