As a lab scientist, I'm begging politicians to stop putting on PPE and holding up vials for photo shoots. You don't see me staging pics pretending to be a huge knob actively making the world worse.
Telling kids "everything the leader does is good and right" is how we get cults and fascists.

These people aren't taking photos to make scientists look good. They're using the reputation of scientists to make themselves look good.
Also, it's hard to imagine a more douche-y thing to say than "you must have misunderstood me or you'd agree with me".

Don't you see? To understand me is to agree with me. If you don't agree with me, it's a failure on YOUR part to comprehend me.
I was just gonna let this slide, but this guy very recently retweeted a Kevin Sorbo anti-mask tweet, so to hell with him.
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