Important addition to the work around autistic children and barriers to getting good test results in schools by @thewoodbug and @HappeLab
I found this table fascinating. I've highlighted three items of particular interest for me/
Most of the autistic adults mentioned social reasons as a major barrier to success for autistic children taking tests.
None of the teachers or parents realised.
We need to talk about this, don't we.
& no teachers or parents thought sensory issues were a barrier (!)
This is 2020, a year when the millions of autistic people have been clamouring to talk about the social and sensory barriers we face in every aspect of life.
And apparently there's hardly any teachers or parents listening, out of this sample.
Isn't it extraordinary.
As for 'child can't sit still', actually sitting still could be a gigantic barrier to any autistic child who also has ADHD, or Ehlers Danlos/hypermobility, or RLS, or who is in terrible sensory pain from hard chairs, painful pens, deafening noise, flickering fluorescents etc.  is such a good 2 min animation of a child's sensory nightmares in a room.
Watch, with sound turned up high as you can safely tolerate. Hands up all those who think the child should Just Sit More Still and that will solve it all?
/but 'just sit still' is the cornerstone of so many bizarre and harmful approaches to autistic children.
Make Them Sit Still.
Stop Them Moving.
Does it increase their learning? Nope. See poll:
Here is one of endless research papers describing some things we Must Stop Autistic Children Doing, at All Costs.
Moving any fingers. Rotating something. Putting something 2 inches away from face.
"Keep them still!"
Any Psychologists able to explain this obsession with control?
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