This is the news no one wants to hear – but it's important.

We always knew there would be cases and clusters. We have plans and systems in place to deal with precisely this scenario – and those are already well underway.
But I just wanted to give everyone a quick update and make sure you've all got the most up-to-date info – and what will change as a result:

As of this afternoon, there are 8 locally acquired cases in Victoria.

All 8 are safely isolating, as are their close contacts.
The public health team worked through the night to track their movements and get a list of exposure sites together.

This is live on the DHHS website and will be updated frequently, so please take a couple of minutes to have a look.
If you visited any of the locations listed you'll need to get tested as soon as possible and isolate until you get your results. Please don't delay it.

That's the nuts and bolts of where we're at.

Here's what's happening next:
As of 5pm this evening some new measures will be in place to make sure everyone stays safe tonight – and in the days to come.

The private gathering limit will be reduced from 30 to 15.

That means a maximum of 15 guests in your home, not including babies under 12 months.
Masks will be mandatory indoors, so if you're heading out tonight please make sure you have one.

And if you feel unwell, give things a miss and stay home. Your friends and family will thank you for it.
We've also had to make some difficult decisions about the border with NSW.

From 11.59pm on 1 January, the border will close completely. This will give Victorians currently in the green zone some time to get home – but it's a small window so we need people to act quickly.
This doesn't include Victorians from the Blue Mountains City Council and Wollongong City Council local government areas, who must apply for a new permit and arrive before 11.59pm tonight.

I know all this will put a dent in a lot of people's plans – and I'm sorry about that.
After the year we've all had, I'm sure many of us were looking forward to bidding farewell to 2020 tonight with family and friends.

Maybe even getting on the beers.

But the virus doesn't respect the fact that it's New Year's Eve.
It doesn't care about the parties we've planned or the camping trip we're packing for.

We have to take this seriously and act quickly.

And the more we can do to stop the spread, the easier that task is for everyone.
I know this will be tough to take. Victorians have been through a lot this year and sacrificed so much.

But we will get through it – together.
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