This isn’t funny!!
Since no one wants to say it, I will. It’s just so funny how the society has normalized the endangerment of our men. We have pages that sell products that can “tie your man down” as they claim. Some of these pages are verified.
While some, pay influencers to promote these products. What surprises me is that the society won’t condone such act against the female gender. Instead, those pages would be reported, Influencers would refuse the pay(price regardless) to promote.
I know a guy, who handed his girlfriend his land papers, and split his bitcoin wallet with her. And this girl, advises her friends to use these products, So kindly connect the dots.
I mean, How did we get here? Why can our men have sex without fear that the other party might be using “kayanmata”? We have to realize that our Men need to be protected.
Why should a product, that is able to make men do things they wouldn’t do with their sanity intact be normalized, and promoted? Do you know that if the victims of these stuff knew, that they would have gone ahead to have sex? Is this a punishment or what?
You can call me “pick me”, because that’s what y’all call girls that speak for men. But while doing that, remember that you have brothers and male friends. Don’t come here to say that men should “zip up” or put their penises intact, you’re an APOLOGIST.
I mean, why can’t a guy have sex? Secondly, why should he start being weary of being intimate with his girlfriend?
It’s very scary that society has seen this as normal, it’s very bad!!
Our men must be protected.
I also call on feminists to stand against this. We must protect our men, not acting unconcerned. That’s true feminism. If we claim to be strong and independent as we claim, we should also take the bull by the horn in protecting our men! Thanks.
It doesn’t matter if it works or not!! The point is, why is the sale normalized????
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