Everyone knew it was going to be hard to win, though.

I think the bigger issue I'm picking up is that UF's approach seemed to almost assume a loss and chalk it up to building for next year.

And I'm not even sure I'm entirely against that, but I get fans being upset. https://twitter.com/Frank_Frangie/status/1344542432571092992
But it is funny. Where's the line between building for future and playing to win?

Because fans always want to play the young QB if a season is lost and they don't think the starter can eventually win titles.

But meaningless bowl game and some are upset they played young guys.
Coaches are damned if they do and damned if they don't, to be honest.

I've rarely found coaches look to the future and build for it, most in my experience want to win the game at hand first and foremost.

Idk whether tonight makes Dan Mullen a realist, a forward-thinker or dumb.
What I do know: I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time getting worked up or having strong opinions one way or another.

COVID-19, short turnaround, opt-outs, depleted roster.

It's all just narrative and perception tonight. What happened that mattered happened before tonight.
And what happens *after* tonight will matter significantly more.
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