1. Sleep is the most important aspect of health to me. Without a decent nights sleep, our stress levels rise and our thoughts become blurred. We lose focus and are more prone to making mistakes. Trading requires you top be on your game at all times.
2. Living in Australia, the NY Open is at 11pm.

I run a business and I am up at 5am most mornings. I like to workout at this time as it starts the day off on the right foot.

I've tried to stay up and trade the opening of the NY session but once in a trade, it's hard to go..
2. continued.. to sleep leaving it open. Not only do I think about it which interrupts my sleep but I also can't manage it.

Now I could just deal with this and hope I get 4-5 hours sleep. I've also done this before and found it the long run it isn't sustainable.
3. I often get irritated by the smallest of things and my focus is way off. Not good when you're trying to run a business that deals with customers and trade markets.

One thing I'll be doing in 2021 is focusing on what I can do within the timeframe I have rather than dwelling..
3. Continued - on what I can't do. I'm usually done with my business by 12-2pm most days. After that I come home, study and prepare myself for the London Open session. Trading FX this year will purely be based on the LO session. There will be no NY plays for me.
4. In regards to crypto, I will be swing trading and eventually using my scalp/precision strategy to trade that too.

Again, this will be during the Asia/London sessions (weekends being the exception) I will also continue to invest in the space as I have been doing.
5. Another thing to focus on which I do really well is nutrition and making sure you move your body. I can't stress how important this is.

Sitting at a computer all day isn't good for you either physically or mentally. Another reason why I like the short term trading approach.
6. I eat a Whole Foods Plant Based diet. The key words you should take from this isn't 'plant based' but rather the 'whole foods' part.

I just choose to limit my animal product intake due to the years of research i've done. I have read over 50 books twice over on this subject.
6b. Regardless of whether you eat meat and dairy products is non of my business but you should be focusing on eating more whole foods instead of processed junk.

Not only will you feel better, you'll also have greater clarity of mind which is important when trading.
7. Movement.

One thing I use for movement is call Zuu training. It focuses primarily on mobility. It can be done from home with no equipment and is easy on the joints.

A quick 5-10 mins doing this will work wonders for you.
7b. Heres a link to the founder of Zuu Nathan Helberg taking you through some movements. Trust me, it's harder than it looks.
8. Here are some books I recommend on health.

Rich Rolls book is a really good one about his journey to becoming and ultra man.

He also has one of the best podcasts out there called ‘The Rich Roll Podcast’ so check that out too.
My DM’s are always open.

I’m a qualified Zuu trainer and although I’m not qualified in nutrition, I have extensive knowledge on the subject and can help filter out the garbage you hear everyday in the media.

Start 2021 the right way. LFG!
You can follow @LEEVELSFXC.
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