11 things to do in 2021:

1. Find another source of income

The world is innovating. Your business/ profession will be automated sooner than you think. Have a backup.

Even if you're secure, finding another source of income unlocks creative juices, makes you more agile & curious
2. Know thy Body Mass Index (BMI)

Is your weight in the normal range? Good!
Not in the normal range? Work on it!

Remember that people fitter than you probably had better excuses than you did.

Stop watching inspirational transformation videos, add your own video to that list!
3. Get curious

The world is a huge place. We still don't have all the answers. Are you constantly discovering or living in a zone where you feel you know everything?

Ponder, ask, reason and educate.

There are amazing books, audiobooks and podcasts to keep generations engrossed
4. Invest

Since the industrial revolution, it's been clear that companies will GROW!

Take part in some of these success stories. If you don't have time to monitor stock markets, let a mutual fund do it for you.

Savings bank interest rates won't fund your retirement life
5. Find a creative pursuit

Besides your day job, what do you get praised for on a recurring basis?

Make that thing a part of your routine. Don't let it go. Sing, write, run, take up the martial art, book that ticket to Hawaii

Reward yourself with experiences that you love.
6. Get involved in your community

I'm sure you have many complaints about the area you live in. Garbage, noise, bad roads?

Understand how the problem can be solved and try and get it solved. It's therapeutic.

You'll build rewarding networks in this process.
7. Get some therapy

Speaking to a counselor is for everyone.

Just like a walk refreshes the body, talking about your mental health with a trained practitioner makes your mind calmer & wiser.

Life is tough and we all have our scars. Understanding them helps us avoid recurrence.
8. Know your parents

Who are you? Where did you come from? Get curious about your parent(s).

My father learned the cycle in 20 minutes when a stranger asked him to watch his cycle. I still can't cycle.

My mom caught snakes when she was 12. I'm glad I've never encountered one.
9. Help others

What can you offer to the world? Is it money, time, or labour?

Don't hold back. We live in a community and someone always needs some help.

Start somewhere.

Example: A 2019 Lancet study found that at 41m units, India has the world's highest shortage.
10. Be kind with others, demand more from yourself

Be it your team at work or your family, be patient with your clan. Forgive readily. Embrace flaws.

Set the highest standards for yourself. Allow for failures, but get back at it again.
11. Don't set goals, perfect processes

Everyone running a 100m race has the same goal - to win. But there's only one winner.

The winner perfected the process of training and execution.

Build a cadence of good habits.

This I owe to @JamesClear . Read his book Atomic Habits
I wish everyone reading this a very, very happy new year!

P.S.: Please add more life hacks. I'm acutely aware I have only scratched the surface with these 11. What are your tenets?
You can follow @Viren89.
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