Let’s do this *cracks knuckles* Thanks @bobaheadshark for this awesome idea!
A fic that lives rent free in my mind: sliding into home by @highladysolo ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/23285377 ). Seriously, I think about this fic probably way too much. It’s just so damn good. The characterizations are lovely and the narrative is fantastic and I just never want it to end.
The horniest fic I’d rec: Coercion by @TheVuasLog ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/26653318 ). It’s definitely one that I have come back to several times. It’s at once the right amount of dirty & sexy & a little sweet & a little dangerous. Seriously, just...do yourself a favor & read it.
A fic that genuinely surprised me: Sunshine and Gunpowder by rightforlife ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/25559869 ). The first time I read this, I was pleasantly surprised at so many different moments. The way Ben falls in love with Rey, parts of their characterizations, just so many things.
I fic that I read and was like “omg that’s so [soft]...but wait”: for what it’s worth by @irridesca ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/23626507 ). The premise of this had me thinking it would be all summer fun and flirty dummies, but oh how many feelings I had while reading this. So, so damn good.
A fic that made me laugh a lot: Insta-heart by @slipgoingunder ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/21218177 ). I actually made a note in my bookmark for this fic about how much it made me laugh, especially the first chapter. It’s just so candid and sharp and literally had me laughing out loud.
A fic that hit my personal trope bingo: Let me Dream, Let me Stay by @hellomelusine ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/15758103 ) was one of the first reylo fics I read, and it’s the first one I remember getting really attached to. Also, anyone who knows me knows that fake dating is my kryptonite.🤷🏼‍♀️
An underrated fic: What Happens in Batuu ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/20711036 ) and How Long Will I Love You by @LaneReads ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/25986088 ), both of which are adorable and fluffy and generally delightful to read (trust me, I’ve read them both...a lot 😂)
A piece of fanfic art that has really stuck with me: this While You Were Sleeping inspired series that officially bonded @tarzelladraws, @LaneReads, and I and which now occupies my thoughts at least once a day. (Also all of her other art because it’s beautiful & she’s a genius). https://twitter.com/tarzelladraws/status/1334686915581235203
A favorite fanfic of my own: well, at the moment, I’ve only posted one, so that one! Chance Would Be a Fine Thing ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/25535626 ) is super soft and self-indulgent, but I’ve had so much fun writing it so far, & I am perpetually grateful for the support of this fandom. 🖤
Any other recs: so, so many, but here are a few I am always delighted to talk about!
Sanguis Sanguinem Meum ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/19153528 )
Tangled, but Unbroken by @AttackotDC ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/20983244 )
Two times rey lied to Poe... by @LikeADove_ ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/15005390 )
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