i just realised something harsh

unless i get a shoutout from a major youtuber or something im never gonna be a big cc

which really sucks because i've always wanted to be a variety cc that has at least 10k subs (not as a job, obviously)
i mean yeah it'd be f*cking amazing to get a shoutout from one of the ccs i look up to like alpharad or nathan smoke but it would feel undeserved.

and if i do get a shoutout, im worried that people will discredit me like "oh you're leeching off of them"
i also have a pretty cringy voice and i hate it and that also sucks because pure gameplay with no voiceover seems really boring to me. there are some ccs that do that really well, like "whoisthisgit", but it's less interactive and i personally dont like it.
there's also the pressure of doing things that most of my fans will watch. tf2tubers suffer most from this, as anything that isnt tf2 gets like 1/10th of the views of their tf2 stuff, but im worried that if i do variety it'll be too random and none of the videos get high views
another problem is that i dont know if i'm any good at editing, since all the videos i've posted have been edited in a crappy mobile app that has a watermark. i dont wanna hire an editor as i dont normally like the idea of people doing my work for me as i think it makes me seem-
-lazy. i also dont wanna accidentaly overwork them, so i'd rather not.
mics are expensive, too. i've been speaking through a 1-year old £20 headset for party chat and i've had complaints from friends about low audio quality, but i literally cant afford a decent mic as i dont do anything to get income or pocket money or whatever it's called-
-and i want my first (proper) video to be as high-quality as any future videos
my actual content will be varied, but not varied like jumping from game to game after every upload. like i'll do a series on something, finish the series (or pause it midway if im bored) and make a new series. if i pause a series, it'll be like a "part 1 and part 2" thing-
-since i do get bored easily. some of the bigger series i do would probably be on games i enjoy currently, like borderlands 3, tf2, minecraft, etc.
i dont actually know if i'd be suited to doing regular content, and i dont know if my content would be enjoyable, so im gonna make a poll

would you watch any content that i would make? obviously irls know me better but that's probably a good thing
if you would watch it, would you show/reccomend it to other people?
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