Sexy != Erotic

But that's a conversation for another day. Maybe.
Or maybe not...
This is sexy
This is erotic.
This is sexy
This is erotic
The difference is one deliberately connects to draw out a response, the other is an unconscious and RAW connection to source... Being completely present in every single second... you don't know what comes next until it happens. An amazing alchemy to witness.

I hope those who have a partner to experience this with really make the most of it. Not about the things you have to do. Not about the insecurities you have. Being completely present with the person you love in that moment of your life. That's deep. That's erotic. You're blessed.
Go make love not to, but WITH that person. Right now. It puts amazing energy out into the universe for the rest of us. You are truly transforming the energy of our universe. 💜
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