2020, hey. What a year. We'll all remember it for various reasons...most bad but a few positive.

2020 wasn't even my worst year. That honour goes to 1999 when I lost my mum in February and my son in December. 2018 was pretty shit too. The point is, everyone has a different
perspective on this year. But we can all agree 2020 was DIFFERENT.

Many of you lost people you love. Parents, grandparents, lovers, friends, husbands and wives. My own family lost Doreen, my wife's grandmother and my kids great grandma. I've never met a woman who enjoyed life
and people more than Doreen. We miss her dearly. And soon after my wife's grandfather from the other side of the family. A remarkable man...a true gentleman...My 3 girls miss their Super Pop.

I lost a mate in a stupid fucking car accident. The saying "only the good die young"
was never truer than for Tim. Go well.

I've seen great grief on here for Tweeps who have gone before us. The unbelievable love and grief I sensed from so many people made me wish more than once I too had encountered this remarkable person who meant so much to you.

And just a
few weeks ago a man I feel much love and respect for lost his father. His dad led an incredible life and I was humbled to be present at his burial, and to feel that love and grief gather everyone there and send that energy with him to whatever each of us believes comes .....after
I had some positives...I bought a house...got a mortgage for three fifths of fuck all, and purchased what was probably the cheapest 3 bedder in Dubbo. But it is mine.

I discovered what it means to be someone's "split" when they are BPD..and while it's a tough gig, it is in its
own perverse and incredibly cruel way an expression of love I feel honoured to accept.

So for the 13th year I'd like to say thankyou my Pocket Friends for your company, your humour, your wit, your knowledge and your friendship. Your blood's worth bottling.
I know whatever 2021 brings for all of us, be it good or not so good, we can share the joy and the pain together.

So without further ado or dribbling glurge from myself I give you my selections for #COTY2020

I was spoiled for choice this year...so many utter utter pisswizarding thundercunts of ginormous shitbaggery it would have been easy to go with the obvious...Trump, The Potato...Adam "mind if I kill your Nanna" Creighton...any number of miserable journos marching about with
their arsehats firmly pulled down over their tin ears as they mistook their own cockshite opinions for journalism.

Instead I've chosen 3 people who probably don't think of themselves as cunts, but each of them had held within their grasp the real power to
MAKE A FUCKING DIFFERENCE...but they squibbed it.

3rd place #COTY2020 is Jacquie Lambie...had the power to help refugees our nation keeps imprisoned, but chose not too. Gave some sad bullshit Secret Squirrel excuse. Which, by the way Senator...You said you'd reveal that secret
by the end of the year. Times up.

2nd place #COTY2020 is a joint award to those Aboriginal men & women who have the position, exposure, clout, knowledge and wisdom to fight for equality, to Close The Gap, to end Deaths in Custody, to LEAD.

But they don't. No need to name names
we know who they are. Shame job. Utter fucking shame job. More interested in smelling their own hole than blazing a path.

And 1st place in the #COTY2020 sadly goes to a man I honestly did once respect. And like many others I held out hope, be it ever so faint, that they COULD
make a difference. Malcom Turnbull me old mate you pissed away your Prime Ministership doing fuck all...but that doesn't make you a cunt.

No, in 2020 you blathered the fuck on about what you could have done...what should be done now. Go piss up a rope, Mal.
There's no bigger cunt than someone who could have helped...who was right there at the scene of the metaphorical accident with all the good drugs and the defibrillator fully charged up, but did nothing. And then lectured others on how to save lives. Cunt.
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