Dietary choices are not forced in Hindu Dharma.
Hindu Adharma unlike others does not force. But it gives you a very clear view point on what is good Vs what is bad. What is right Vs What is not. Also it gives and enables you with examples and tells you how to lead your life
It does not tell you that you can be naked with Seventy Two virgins always there for you.
But it tells you kaama krodha are common but if you are able to overcome it you attain the path Gnana.
Sex is not forbidden if you see in temples there are various positions
It is about progeny but again it gives you a view of what is dharma Vs Adharma there.
Draupadi did she have five husbands. I beg to differ. It is the virtue which is being defined as a man. This is why I love my dharma and Sasthra.
The entire vedas shastras aagama and other important scriptures teach you way of life and they do not force you. Varnas were there but no caste. Varnas were based on your professional attributes. And your food habits were also defined by your Varna
I felt like ranting just about my beautiful sanatana as we are ending 2020. I would allow others to opine as well as I respect every human being
@ind_vignesh how could I miss him. Amazing writer but very quite. One of the few people whom I would love to meet in 2021
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