This is such a sad thing to see. I always give my old clothes to charity shops and clothes banks, especially designer brands. I come from a low income area so I like to think low income kids would be thrilled to find a Superdry shirt for cheap so they feel less isolated @ school
I couldn't care less about what people think of my fashion choices as an adult, but kids are fucking MEAN.
Trivial things like non-uniform school days would be dreadful because well-off kids would ridicule lower income kids for their clothes
These stores are FOR these people. Upcycling is one thing but this is just scalping.

I would much rather see the never worn, designer jeans I donated go to a poorer person for £3 than making someone more well off £45 on Depop lol
Honestly I can't remember the last time I sold something rather than donating it. It's just something my family always does.

My fave thing is donating niche stuff like manga/anime merch because I know some kid is gonna lose their shit over it
Also I just wanna say if you donate to thrift shops, you're awesome. Retired folk especially depend on them a lot for things like presents for grandchildren.

These places give less fortunate people opportunities to buy things they would otherwise never dream of affording
If you live in the UK, charity shops are a great option to shift belongings and save them from landfill! Some even offer home pick up services to save you the trouble of hauling your old furniture etc

It's better than listing a million things that usually don't sell
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