I keep thinking how debating White Nationalists gives their ideas some worth, like their ideas are worth considering even if you disagree with them, but no, their ideas are completely reprehensible, and the only correct response to give to a White Nationalist is to laugh at(1/10)
them, get everyone else to laugh at them, call 8 of your friends to laugh at them, get random people on the street to laugh at them, get your class to laugh at them, get your workplace, get everyone at the grocery store to laugh at them (2/10)
Make them ashamed to have their beliefs, and I know this won't change their minds, but that is not important, being a fascist is a completely irrational position, so you won't argue people out of being completely irrational, and chances are they might dig in their beliefs (3/10)
But remember trying to help white nationalists is only a job that can be done by White Cis Straight men, maybe even Masculine White Cis Gay men, but for everyone else, even the gay men, it is humiliating, but being white they might consider the view of a (4/10)
White Cis Gay man who is Masculine, they probably will disregard a Femme one though, and it is humiliating because you are trying to argue your own validity to people who despise you and will never respect you and want you to know your place (5/10)
Which they would love to be beneath them, and ultimately this is because as people they are failures and that is not even the worst part, they are failures and quitters,think about it, they gave up on Society so hard that they want everyone else to assuage their bruised ego(6/10)
And such a pathetic worldview is not worthy of any respect, and should be viewed with contempt, contempt mixed with uproarious laughter, some people deserve to be bullied until they change their minds,and White nationalists are one of those people,and conservatives as well (7/10)
to a lesser extent, but conservatives have a leg up given that most of them aren't racist as individuals but do advocate for systems that are fundamentally racist, sexist and imperialist, and such it is a distinction without a difference (8/10)
Anyway if you got to the end of this thanks for reading this, it took me a while to organize my thoughts in this way, and whoever on my tl, I'm sorry I don't remember, that earlier today showed me the plus feature so I could tweet all instead of one by one and respond (9/10)
YOU ARE A LEGEND, and anyone who got to the end of this is also a baller, and may you have a wonderful rest of your day, you are amazing and valid and I love you (10/10)
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