Look to early 2000s computer experience. Malware, spam, and popups all over the place. I thought MS better get a handle on this misery or they're over. And they did. SUPER effectively. We urgently need similar for fake news, troll farms and tribalism. Solve it or we're done.
What about social media AI that is tuned to bring people together around real facts rather than for outrage and other engagement drivers?
What about better fake news immune system with antibodies that ferret out the disease before it can spread?
A way to know if stories are facetious or satirical?
Deep Fake detection and rating system with (account death) penalty for uploading or propagating deep fakes without labeling as such.
Bottom line: if what we regard as facts are based on tribes' belief systems rather than something reality-based, we have no foundation for unity as a society--no common story. It just unravels.

This may be the keystone to solving so many problems we face.
You can follow @bobhilt.
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