I understand being a prostitute definitely gestures at having some severe mental illness or trauma or personality disorder. But I also think, there was a VERY unique intersection of factors in the 2010s that almost acted like a route to sex work for some broke lib fem women.
We had the economic fall out of 2008. We were witnesses to the rise of 2012 4th wave Jezebel feminism, Carry the mattress, “hoe culture.” Twitter and tumblr were cesspools where women bragged about how much cum they could gargle.
Casual sex and hookup culture, increasing your body count, was enabled by okcupid and tinder were obviously popular (and only now, as of like 2018 or so, have we had honest critiques of pro sex feminism).
Throw in social media. Everyone saw the online diaries on twitter and tumblr by sex workers. As strippers, sugar babies, and escorts presented their personal lives online with a veneer of glamour, many of us fell for it. it still happens today. There’s a sugar baby tag on TikTok
Now add in the factors of sexual trauma. Which obviously tie to the possible link of personality disorder/mental illness. But esp for college aged women, like date rape. Then throw in economic precarity, like being unable to find a good job post college.
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